Published at 28th of June 2024 05:52:23 AM

Chapter 224: The Only Way

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Chapter 224: The Only Way

Even in the face of over a dozen Eighth Tier powerhouses, Lance's eyes show no change. He glances around and smiles faintly, "Is this your final trump card? If that's the case, then I'm disappointed."

"For those who disrespect the Commander, kill!" Guangtou Qiang shouts, charging forward first.

Among everyone, only Guangtou Qiang is straightforward. In all seriousness, his loyalty to the Commander surpasses that of anyone else.

Seeing Lance speaking to the Commander in such a manner, Guangtou Qiang can't help himself and throws a punch.

It's not surprising for Guangtou Qiang to be the first to attack, considering he's a close combat specialist. However, the second person to strike shocks everyone.

It's actually Yun Ru!

Yun Ru's hand holds a massive drill, the Earthsplitter!

A seemingly delicate girl wielding such a large weapon completely subverts expectations.

Su Chen is witnessing Yun Ru's combat appearance for the first time. Previously, he only saw Yun Ru as a scientist, but now he realizes that Yun Ru's strength should not be underestimated.

Tanya and Su Yi follow closely behind, providing long-range support. Only Ju Ling and Yuri are in the rear.

Ju Ling constantly harasses Lance with her sniper rifle, while Yuri gathers psychic power in secret, preparing to break through his defenses with a single strike.

At this moment, everyone unleashes their strongest abilities. Faced with the incredibly powerful and unimaginable Lance, they cannot afford any complacency.

Su Yi activates a Body Enhancement buff for everyone. This buff is extremely practical and ensures that they won't be easily defeated by a single blow from Lance.

Not all soldiers have an evolutionary template like Su Yi. In truth, among the nine soldiers, only Su Yi has an evolutionary template.N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

However, the spies and various super units possess their own evolutionary templates, and their abilities are related to their respective templates.

"Ah, unleash 100% of your power!"

Guangtou Qiang shouts, and with the momentum he's already in from entering battle, his strength multiplies. His true power has already surpassed the Mid-Term of the Eighth Order, approaching the Late-Term.

Yun Ru doesn't have Guangtou Qiang's thick-skinned nature. She quietly whispers, "Double the strength!"

As long as Ju Ling's Bullet can hit Lance, there is hope of victory.

The Bullet and the barrier continue to collide, gradually becoming smaller until they vanish into nothingness. Ju Ling's attack has failed.

Seeing her only attack fail, Ju Ling can't help but cough up blood. She went all out and unleashed a Bullet that exceeded the limits her body could handle, but it still had no effect on Lance.

Among those standing in the field, only two remain: Lance and Yuri.

Yuri remains motionless, standing there, watching Lance.

However, this time, Lance doesn't rush forward. A trace of caution appears in his eyes.

Yuri's base strength is Early-Term Eighth Order. By fully erupting with his power, he can reach the Mid-Term of the Eighth Order. With the added boost from Su Chen's Commander's Domain, his strength can even approach the Late-Term of the Eighth Order.

At this level, Yuri has become somewhat threatening to Lance.

It's important to note that the Atlantis civilization hasn't conducted any research on psychic technology. They have only heard of this mystical technology. Even the clothes on the strongest individuals were obtained from elsewhere and not created by their own civilization.

This means that the people of Atlantis have almost no defense against psychic power. If it weren't for this piece of clothing, Lance would have been controlled earlier.

Therefore, Lance is preparing to take the initiative!

Lance extends his hand, making a grasping motion in mid-air. Yuri suddenly feels his neck being grabbed, as if something is lifting him up.

"Die!" Lance is merciless, intending to directly snap Yuri's neck.

In that instant, Yuri widens his eyes and unleashes his most powerful force—Psychic Impact!


Lance suddenly feels a severe headache, as if countless cannon shells are exploding in his mind. His consciousness becomes blurred.

Yuri's body falls to the ground, his neck slightly twisted. But he pays no attention to it. "Commander, his psychic defense is weak. If my strength reaches its peak at the Eighth Order, I'm certain I can kill him!"

Yuri's words brighten Su Chen's eyes. He has come up with a method, the only way to defeat Lance.

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