Published at 28th of June 2024 05:52:23 AM

Chapter 225: A Brand New Superweapon

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Chapter 225: A Brand New Superweapon

Yuri's attack ultimately failed to take down Lance. However, a trace of blood appeared at the corner of Lance's mouth, indicating that the psychic impact had inflicted some injuries on him.

"Such formidable psychic power. No wonder someone once said that we must find a way to obtain psychic technology. Only civilizations with psychic technology can reach greater heights." Lance wiped away the blood from his mouth, his face devoid of a smile.

Yuri fell short of victory, and his full-powered strike didn't kill Lance; it only managed to injure him. Considering Lance's endurance, even if Su Chen were to use a Superweapon, it might not be enough to kill him.

The clothing Lance wore possessed an incredibly strong defense against psychic power.

Yuri had lost all his strength and lay on the ground, but his eyes were filled with coldness. It was their own weakness that allowed Commander to face the threat from Lance. They had failed in their duty!

This sentiment was shared by all Red Alert units. Everything they possessed was bestowed by Commander, yet they were unable to protect Commander. A strong sense of shame and anger filled their hearts.

Lance approached Su Chen step by step, and Su Chen calmly stared back at him without taking a step back.

"You are quite impressive, performing so remarkably in front of me, Lance. If it weren't to learn the greatest secret of the Quillu civilization, I wouldn't want to kill you like this," Lance expressed a regretful expression.

A hint of vigilance filled Lance's heart as Yuri's attack had threatened his life, and Su Chen's words only heightened his wariness.

He knew he couldn't give Su Chen any time and must kill him!

Thus, Lance decisively made his move, but it was already too late.

"Mental Controller 4.0, activate!"The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

Rewinding time to one minute ago, Su Chen learned from Yuri that Lance's defense against psychic power was weakest. This was the only power capable of killing Lance.

However, even Yuri couldn't accomplish it. Even if Su Chen possessed power on par with Yuri, at best, it would make Lance cough up blood but wouldn't be enough to kill him. So what should he do?

In that moment, an idea sparked in Su Chen's mind.

Su Chen realized that obtaining a chance to upgrade a weapon might not be easy. He needed to use this opportunity cautiously.

Although Lance was dead, his body remained. Su Chen intended to have Yun Ru conduct research on it, especially the clothing Lance wore. It was an armor capable of resisting psychic power. If it could be mass-produced, it would provide him with defense against individuals who could use psychic technology in the future.

"Psychic technology has been upgraded to 4.0, and for now, it shouldn't require further upgrades. I must currently upgrade a weapon that can be directly used," Su Chen pondered.

He had observed the three major factions of Red Alert, or rather, the four major factions, as one of the factions emerged within Red Alert.

Among these four factions, Yuri's faction was the most unique. Psychic technology made them somewhat lacking in conventional weaponry, but in terms of mental control, they were absolute powerhouses.

Since this upgrade opportunity could only be used on weapons, it was no longer useful for units.

The naval forces were immediately excluded. They were currently not needed for combating the Mutant Beasts on land. As for the air force, the most representative weapon was naturally the Kirov Airship, with its formidable bombing capabilities.

However, the Kirov Airship was too slow and easily became a target. It required a large number of fighter aircraft to protect it from being shot down.

Su Chen believed that even with one upgrade, the speed of the Kirov Airship couldn't surpass that of a Fighter Jet unless he upgraded it three times, as he did before.

In that case, it would lack cost-effectiveness.

The Kirov Airship was unsuitable, and the Fighter Jet was barely satisfactory. Su Chen was considering whether to upgrade the armed Helicopters.

Helicopters were the units he possessed the most in the air. They were incredibly useful in combat and transportation. He believed they would become even stronger after the upgrade.

Just as Su Chen was preparing to select the armed Helicopter, his eyes inadvertently caught sight of a pattern that left him momentarily stunned—it was a very unfamiliar pattern.

"How did I miss such a good weapon?"

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