Published at 28th of June 2024 05:52:20 AM

Chapter 226: The Secret of the Qiluo Civilization

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Chapter 226: The Secret of the Qiluo Civilization

What Su Chen saw was not any other weapon, but the recently developed Celestial Armor!

What kind of weapon could adapt to the increasingly complex situation on Earth?

Of course, it had to be a versatile type, and the Celestial Armor happened to fit the current situation perfectly.

The Celestial Armor had two modes. One was the jet mode inherited from the Tengu mecha, which even Yun Ru couldn't modify without completely dismantling the designs of the two mechas and creating an entirely new one.

The second mode was the humanoid combat state. In this mode, the Celestial Armor soared like a fighter jet, dominating not only in aerial combat but also on the ground.

It could be said that among all the individual weapons under Su Chen's command, the Celestial Armor was definitely one of the best.

Due to the current lack of mecha technology, Yun Ru couldn't research stronger mechas. So Su Chen decided to directly upgrade the Celestial Armor with this opportunity for weapon improvement.

After the upgrade, there were no significant changes to the appearance of the Celestial Armor. It just looked more elegant as a whole, like gentlemen who brought death.

Su Chen was curious about the extent of the upgrade's power. So he built a brand-new Celestial Armor and tried it out himself.

After the test, excitement filled his eyes.

Through data monitoring, Su Chen discovered that this new Celestial Armor surpassed the old model in terms of speed. Its speed was almost twice the speed of sound, and reaching three times the speed of sound in jet mode was not a problem.

In terms of firepower, all the carried weapons were enhanced, and their power increased by more than one level. It could be said that a current Celestial Armor could deal with two previous Celestial Armors.Witness the debut of this chapter, unveiled through Ñôv€l--B1n.

However, this also raised the requirements for the pilots.

Originally, the Celestial Armor only required a Transcendent of the Third Order to pilot. But now, the upgraded Celestial Armor required at least a Transcendent of the Fourth Order. To fully unleash its power, it was best to have a Transcendent of the Fifth Order.

Helpless, Su Chen could only agree. He knew that if he insisted, the two of them would never violate his orders. But there was no need for that.

After Ju Ling went in, after about five minutes, a voice came from inside, "Commander, everything is safe here."

Su Chen walked in and found that this was the same place where he had almost been killed by Lance.

It was a grand hall with magnificent golden walls adorned with numerous murals depicting the rise of the Qiluo Civilization.

Su Chen wasn't interested in these things. He focused his gaze on the front, where there was a suspected altar. In the center of the altar, there was a golden sphere chained up. What did that mean?

Su Chen's memory told him that the secret of the Qiluo Civilization was contained within that golden sphere. Placing his hand on it would reveal the ultimate secret of the Qiluo Civilization.

Standing in front of the golden sphere, Su Chen placed his hand on it, but then the System's voice suddenly sounded, "Detecting a life-threatening threat to the owner. Activating active defense."

Su Chen didn't know what was happening when the environment around him changed.

The grand hall he was in had inexplicably transformed into a pavilion in a backyard garden. Ju Ling and Tanya were nowhere to be seen, and a middle-aged man he had never seen before appeared before him.

"Visitor, don't be surprised. The one sitting in front of you is not the real me but merely a remnant of my soul left behind. In order to pass on the secrets that the Qiluo Civilization paid a great price to obtain, I have endured endless loneliness here," said the middle-aged man with a face filled with sorrow. He looked at Su Chen and continued, "Do you know how long I've been here?"

"Ten thousand years?" Su Chen guessed.

"If only it were merely ten thousand years. I have been here for billions of years! Do you know what it feels like, forever bound to this garden? No matter how beautiful the scenery is, there comes a day when you grow tired of it. I've even counted the number of flower petals and grains of sand in this garden out of boredom. But even after I finished counting, everything remained the same, without any changes."

The despair revealed in the middle-aged man's words made Su Chen shudder. He couldn't imagine what would happen if he were to stay in such a place. The person in front of him had endured endless ages and managed to maintain his sanity. It was simply unimaginable.

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