Published at 28th of June 2024 05:52:19 AM

Chapter 227: Betrayal Among Humans!

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Chapter 227: Betrayal Among Humans!

Perhaps it had been countless years since he last spoke to someone, as the middle-aged man went on and on about various things—his life, his friends, his wife and children, his parents.

Just talking about all of this took at least five hours.

"Visitor, thank you very much for listening to me. Now, ask me anything you want to know, and I will tell you," the middle-aged man finally regained some composure.

"I want to know what secret the Qiluo Civilization discovered that led to them being defined as traitors by humans and ultimately led to their destruction?"

This mystery intrigued Su Chen.

Based on what he knew, the Qiluo Civilization was a powerful civilization even among all human civilizations. However, it fell at a rapid pace, seemingly due to this secret.

The middle-aged man nodded. "The secret is not complicated. It was simply that a spy from the Qiluo Civilization discovered a secret among the human high-ranking officials—there was a traitor among humans!"

Su Chen was taken aback. Was this the so-called secret?

The Qiluo Civilization discovered a traitor among humans, and as a result, they were defined as traitors by humans themselves. This was absurd—thieves accusing others of being thieves?Witness the debut of this chapter, unveiled through Ñôv€l--B1n.

From the middle-aged man's words, Su Chen learned the general situation.

The Qiluo Civilization had already made contact with the human high-ranking officials and believed that it wouldn't be long before they joined their ranks.

However, at that time, a spy from the Qiluo Civilization discovered a shocking secret—there were non-human races among the human high-ranking officials!

This was a grave matter. The human high-ranking officials were the foundation of humanity, and the fact that non-human beings had infiltrated their ranks indicated that the human high-ranking officials had been compromised. Humanity was likely on the brink of extinction!

After the spy discovered this, they immediately reported it back to the Qiluo Civilization. However, the spy overestimated the Qiluo Civilization's capabilities, and their message was discovered by the non-human high-ranking official. This non-human high-ranking official then used all their connections and means to frame the Qiluo Civilization.

The Qiluo Civilization had no voice among the human high-ranking officials and was directly marked as traitors. The subsequent events need not be explained further—the Qiluo Civilization was ultimately destroyed.

Earth, once a bustling planet, was thoroughly searched by various civilizations for anything related to the Qiluo Civilization after its destruction. Only then did they depart.

Su Chen didn't hesitate and accepted the gift.

Seeing this scene, the first smile appeared on the middle-aged man's face. "Now my mission is complete, and I can finally be free."

As soon as he finished speaking, the middle-aged man's figure disappeared before Su Chen's eyes. Su Chen couldn't help but sigh—the Qiluo Civilization had come to an end.

But a few seconds later, Su Chen thought of a crucial question. How was he going to get out?

"F**k, bro, you brought me in here, so you should at least send me out, right?" Su Chen exclaimed.

Unfortunately, there was silence all around, no sound at all.

Su Chen attempted to leave the garden, but at the edge, an invisible barrier prevented his body from stepping out of the garden.

The various scenery in the distance seemed illusory and non-existent.

Su Chen's head began to ache. Was he destined to replace the middle-aged man and be forever trapped here?

Su Chen had no idea that as soon as his consciousness entered this place, an immense aura burst forth from the golden sphere, instantly suppressing Ju Ling and Tanya not far away and invading Su Chen's body.

"Hahaha, I'm finally out, I'm finally out!" A maniacal laughter echoed through the grand hall.

If Su Chen were here, he would undoubtedly be astonished—the voice belonged to the middle-aged man who had just spoken to him!

A mass that resembled a dark cloud emerged from the golden sphere. The voice had come from this entity. It seemed to be observing the surroundings and then burrowed into Su Chen's body.

"This body is mine now. From now on, I shall be called Su Chen. I will be the successor of the Qiluo Civilization, and I will be crowned as the emperor!" The dark cloud was filled with satisfaction as it invaded Su Chen's mind.

However, its triumph didn't last long as it let out a scream, "No... It's impossible! Who are you? How can there be a consciousness stronger than mine? This is impossible, ahhh!"

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