Published at 28th of June 2024 05:52:16 AM

Chapter 230: The Death of the Prince

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Chapter 230: The Death of the Prince

Damn Dunn!

Leng Yuwei couldn't help but curse this bastard. What benefit did he gain by revealing his father's injuries and the distribution map of the Eastern Front to the Mutant Beasts?

The Eastern Front was one of the four major human fronts. Once it was destroyed, humanity's internal vulnerabilities would be exposed to the iron hooves of the Mutant Beasts. The people in Base City might survive, but those in the Gathering Places would undoubtedly perish!

As someone who had emerged from a Gathering Place, Leng Yuwei naturally cared about those who lived there. Despite the large number of First Order Transcendents that had emerged due to Su Chen, their power was still insufficient to stop the Mutant Beasts. Humanity needed time to develop.

If they lost the Eastern Front and the Eastern Emperor, how could humanity resist the impending onslaught of the Mutant Beast army?

It had to be said that Dunn's actions were indeed a betrayal of humanity and, more importantly, a betrayal of his own father, the Eastern Emperor.

Finally, Leng Yuwei understood the inner struggle of the Eastern Emperor. Regardless, Dunn was his son. Most fathers would find it impossible to personally kill their own children, so they had to find another way and let someone else do it.

Eastern Emperor even considered Dunn's well-being, wanting him to die without pain, which was why he had tasked Leng Yuwei with the mission.

As for why he chose Leng Yuwei, it was because her illusions were the most convenient and effective. Other methods wouldn't work on Dunn, who was a Sixth Order Transcendent.

Having understood the situation, Leng Yuwei finally made up her mind. It was fine to do other things, but betraying humanity was absolutely unacceptable.

It was thanks to their strong cohesion that humans were able to survive in this apocalyptic era until now. No one was willing to give up the hope of survival. However, Dunn's actions were forcing humanity towards destruction.

"Eastern Emperor, when was his information leaked?" Leng Yuwei thought of this question.

"About an hour ago. If I'm not mistaken, Mutant Beasts will strike again soon. This time, they will undoubtedly increase their forces and break through the Eastern Front. And I am very likely to be their target."

Leng Yuwei saw the look in the Eastern Emperor's eyes. He intended to defend the Eastern Front with his life. Even if his injuries were known to others, the Eastern Emperor was not prepared to wait for death.

At this moment, Leng Yuwei suddenly realized that her perspective had been too narrow.

Just as Leng Yuwei was preparing to kill Dunn, he woke up.

"Dunn, your mother is not dead."

With just one sentence from the Eastern Emperor, Dunn froze. His face still bore the crazy smile from earlier.

"That's impossible. Mom is already dead. She died a long time ago. You're lying to me! You're lying to me!" Dunn couldn't believe it.

"Here is the information about your mother. She didn't die. She has become vegetable. With the current medical technology, we cannot wake her up, but I believe that one day in the future, she will awaken." The Eastern Emperor was in pain. He didn't expect that deliberately concealing the information would lead his son to have such thoughts. Now, his son even wanted to use the Mutant Beasts to kill him, which made him feel even worse.

Who said emperors were heartless?

Everyone, including emperors, had emotions. It was just that emperors mostly suppressed their emotions. What they cared about were the major issues concerning humanity.

Dunn picked up the information and examined it carefully. As a Sixth Order Transcendent, he knew that certain things couldn't be faked. After checking, he realized that the information was genuine!

"Wu Cheng, you liar! Why didn't you tell me earlier that she was alive?" Dunn broke down and cried.

"Because she carries a super virus, a virus that might be the source of this Apocalypse."

The Eastern Emperor's words not only dumbfounded Dunn but also shocked Leng Yuwei. She couldn't imagine that a virus carried by a person could cause the current Apocalypse. How was that possible!

The Eastern Emperor seemed to have no intention of continuing his explanation. He looked at Leng Yuwei and said, "Captain Leng, proceed."

"Just a moment..."

Unfortunately, Dunn's strength was far inferior to Leng Yuwei's. He fell under the influence of her illusions, closed his eyes, and collapsed to the ground. If it weren't for his absence of breathing, someone might have thought he was just asleep.

"Eastern Emperor, the mission is complete. I take my leave," Leng Yuwei said as she left.

Eastern Emperor, with his back to his son's lifeless body, shed a tear.

Regardless of the reason, his son had ultimately betrayed humanity. He only had one path left to choose: death.

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