Published at 28th of June 2024 05:52:15 AM

Chapter 231: Here They Come Again?

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Chapter 231: Here They Come Again?

Dunn's death was known only to Leng Yuwei, as it was Eastern Emperor himself who captured Dunn.

Externally, Eastern Emperor announced that his son had been killed by a Seventh Order Mutant Beast while carrying out a secret mission. He declared an irreconcilable hatred for Mutant Beasts.

In the end, Eastern Emperor preserved a bit of dignity for his son. If people knew that Dunn had betrayed humanity, it would likely affect even Eastern Emperor.

The other Emperors knew about this significant event. They didn't refuse Eastern Emperor's request, making it the first request he had made since becoming an Emperor.

Although the death of a prince surprised some, in this era, people died every day. It was believed that in just a few days, this news would go unnoticed.

After Leng Yuwei left, she knew that the Eastern Front was facing its greatest crisis.

Mutant Beasts now knew about Eastern Emperor's injuries, which meant they knew his weakness. If he were to be besieged by two Eighth Order Mid-Term Mutant Beasts, Eastern Emperor was likely to fall.

Moreover, Dunn had handed over all the deployment maps of the Eastern Front. These maps couldn't be easily changed. They represented decades of the best strategies, and it was nearly impossible to improve them in a short time.

In other words, if Mutant Beasts launched a large-scale attack, the Eastern Front would be in serious danger.

After fighting on the Eastern Front for so many days, Leng Yuwei had developed a certain attachment to this place. With Su Chen's permission, she had even brought Luo Hang and Zhang Tao with her.

The three of them formed a small team and became a legendary squad on the Eastern Front, fighting together on the battlefield.

Captain Leng Yuwei, with her breakthrough to the Seventh Order on the battlefield, earned the admiration of many.

Luo Hang's proficiency in mind control was improving, and he could control any Mutant Beast weaker than him, redirecting their attacks against other Mutant Beasts.

Zhang Tao now possessed all the qualities of an elite sniper. In terms of strength, he might only be slightly inferior to the snipers under Su Chen. After all, he had experienced a significant number of battles, giving him a certain level of skill.

"Sister Yuwei, why did Eastern Emperor call you over? If you can't say, then don't," Luo Hang, who was quite astute, knew that some things were confidential and shouldn't be casually mentioned.

Leng Yuwei shook her head. This matter was of great importance, and she couldn't tell Luo Hang.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in her mind. If that person asked her, would she tell him?

Zhang Tao, who was more observant, nudged Luo Hang with his elbow, indicating that he shouldn't ask further.

Eastern Emperor's figure instantly appeared in front of the person, his brows furrowing. "Octopus King, you're still alive?"

That's right, the one standing before him was Octopus King!

Last time, Octopus King had thought he could break through the Eastern Front, but he was unexpectedly transported by Su Chen's spatial device to Crocodile King's territory, where they engaged in a fierce battle. In the end, Octopus King was severely injured and went into hiding, while Crocodile King was eaten by Dahua and became Dog King.

Eastern Emperor believed it would take Octopus King a long time to recover, but how had it healed so quickly?

"Yes, I'm lucky. But you, on the other hand, are not so lucky," Octopus King's face twisted into a sinister smile.

Suddenly, another figure appeared beside Octopus King. Eastern Emperor's expression changed. He recognized the figure; it was another Eighth Order Mid-Term Mutant Beast, Sea King!

The oceans were home to a vast number of Mutant Beasts, more than on land, but for some reason, the number of Eighth Order Mutant Beasts in the sea was relatively smaller.

Among the Eighth Order Mutant Beasts in the sea, there were only about six or seven in total, and there were only two Eighth Order Mid-Term ones: Octopus King and Sea King.

What was crucial was that Sea King's strength was very close to the late stage of the Eighth Order, making it even stronger than Octopus King!

Two powerful Eighth Order Mid-Term Mutant Beasts were besieging Eastern Emperor. The situation was dire.

It would take at least an hour to dispatch new Emperors from within the human settlements. Whether Eastern Emperor could hold on until then was unknown.

Seeing the scene above, Leng Yuwei's expression changed. If Eastern Emperor died, the Eastern Front would be unable to withstand the onslaught of Mutant Beasts.

She knew she couldn't just stand by and watch. She could only think of one solution.

Contact Su Chen!

By now, news of Su Chen's achievements had spread throughout the human settlements, and even on the Eastern Front, Leng Yuwei knew how influential Su Chen was.

One could say that in terms of the strength of his subordinates alone, there were probably few Base Cities that could compare to Su Chen's Red Alert base.

Just talking about the appearance of his mechs in the previous battle had already dazzled countless people.

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