Published at 28th of June 2024 05:52:10 AM

Chapter 234: Do You Think You're the Only One Who Can Grow?

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Chapter 234: Do You Think You're the Only One Who Can Grow?

Don't forget, no matter how powerful Octopus King is, it's still an octopus. And as an octopus, it shouldn't forget its special skill: spitting ink.

In an instant, the Water Stance was covered in dense black ink. Outsiders couldn't see what was happening inside the Water Stance; it had turned completely black.

Losing its vision had no effect on Octopus King; it never relied on sight in the first place.

One of its tentacles approached one of the mechs. Octopus King was determined to tear apart the mech that had harmed its body, reducing it to pieces!

Little did Octopus King know that Su Chen witnessed everything it did.

"Do you think you're the only one who can grow? Let's get started," Su Chen said calmly.

The next second, the five hundred Celestial Armors gathered together, causing Octopus King's attack to fail. Just when it was feeling somewhat surprised, it sensed that something had changed with the mechs not far away.

Octopus King didn't care about that; it was determined to shred those mechs.

Suddenly, Octopus King felt a flash of light before it, followed by intense pain. Half of its tentacles were severed!

Not only its tentacles, but its Water Stance also suffered the same fate—it was split in half.

With the Water Stance shattered, those outside could see the situation inside. Just one glance left them dumbfounded.

A gigantic mech, standing a hundred meters tall, floated in the air. It looked just like a magnified version of a Celestial Armor, with a sword in its hand that was at least a hundred meters long, emitting a chilling gleam.

What in the world was happening? Where did this massive mech suddenly appear from?

Sharp-eyed individuals noticed that the previous five hundred Celestial Armors were nowhere to be seen, and a thought formed in their minds.

"Is it possible that this enormous Celestial Armor is the combination of those five hundred Celestial Armors?"

Damn! This is insane!

At this moment, everyone's inner thoughts screamed 666. Apart from that, they had no idea what else to say.

Whenever Octopus King appeared on the Eastern Front before, there would be heavy casualties. When did someone target Octopus King's body?

You're just craving for its body, you despicable person!

An inexplicable thought popped into someone's mind, causing them to shudder. This was really craving for its body. It made them want to devour it.

As time passed, Octopus King truly felt like crying. Almost all of its tentacles had been severed, leaving only a bare body. A tentacle-less octopus was like a tiger with its teeth pulled out—completely devoid of any threat.

The Water Stance had no effect on the Celestial Armor, and Octopus King had lost all resistance.

However, the situation between Eastern Emperor and Sea King was becoming precarious. Eastern Emperor's injuries worsened, and with the intense battle, he couldn't suppress the toxins in his body any longer. This caused his face to turn green.

"Eastern Emperor, die!" Sea King seized an opportunity and pounced on Eastern Emperor's neck. In that moment, Eastern Emperor's injuries suddenly flared up, causing a brief pause. Sea King seized this momentary opportunity.

Eastern Emperor was unwilling. He couldn't die like this. Even if he died, he wanted to die together with Sea King.

Eastern Emperor clenched his teeth, preparing to self-detonate. But just then, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbing hold of Sea King's claw.

"Who are you? There's no Emperor like you among humans," Sea King's face changed.

A bald figure stood before it, blocking its claw. This made Sea King feel somewhat uneasy.

"I'm not an Emperor. Just a warrior driven by curiosity," Guangtou Qiang exerted force and broke Sea King's claw directly.

Sea King retreated hastily, squinting its eyes as it looked at the bald figure. At first glance, the bald figure only seemed to be at the 8th Order Early-Term level, but being able to clash head-on with Sea King meant it definitely possessed the strength of an Eighth Order Mid-Term.

It suddenly realized that its knowledge of humans was still too limited. Were there truly only a few Emperors among them on the surface?

If it hadn't been for Eastern Emperor's impending death, humanity probably wouldn't have revealed this Emperor.

Sea King didn't know that Guangtou Qiang wasn't a Human Emperor; he was just a super soldier under Su Chen's command. Su Chen possessed many super soldiers of this kind.

Su Chen knew that relying solely on Celestial Armor wouldn't change the situation on that side. He needed to deploy a super soldier, and Guangtou Qiang had been bored lately, so he sent him on this mission.

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