Published at 28th of June 2024 05:52:09 AM

Chapter 235: The Tragic Octopus King

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Chapter 235: The Tragic Octopus King

Guangtou Qiang took over the position of the Eastern Emperor and fought alongside Sea King. This was the first time the Eastern Emperor had seen Su Chen's warriors, and he was shocked to find that one of them was a Sovereign.

His heart was trembling with disbelief. Who was Su Chen? Even a Sovereign was willing to be his subordinate. It was simply unbelievable.

There were currently only eight Sovereigns among humans, each one a pillar of the human race. But in Su Chen's eyes, they were just subordinates with no prominent reputation. If it weren't for this sudden appearance, he wouldn't have known that Su Chen had a Sovereign-level warrior under his command.

Sea King became more and more alarmed as he fought. His claws were completely useless against Guangtou Qiang, whose body was like steel cast in iron. Sparks flew when he tried to claw him. Who the hell was this guy?

Among the Mutant Beasts, there were only a few with such astonishing defense, and Sea King was definitely not one of them.The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

Sea King realized that the situation was not good and that Octopus King was probably finished. He couldn't stay here.

So Sea King decisively returned to his true form, which turned out to be a flying fish!

This kind of marine creature had the ability to fly, especially after becoming an Eighth Order Mutant Beast. It only needed very little energy to fly. Without even looking at Octopus King, Sea King left.

Octopus King went crazy. Sea King had really abandoned him. He was one of the only two kings in the ocean.

"Sea King, how dare you! Come back and save me!" Octopus King roared.

"Octopus King, you're on your own now." Sea King threw out a sentence and ran away.

Guangtou Qiang didn't chase after him, mainly because Sea King was too fast for him to catch up with.

Octopus King was already at a disadvantage, and with the addition of Guangtou Qiang and the Eastern Emperor, he was soon killed on the spot.

An Eighth Order Mid-Term Mutant Beast had died in front of humans, which greatly boosted their morale and pushed the Mutant Beasts back several hundred meters.

Upon seeing their two Eighth Order Mutant Beasts dead and one fled, the Mutant Beasts immediately lost their will to fight and were defeated.

The Eastern Front had won again!

After the battle, the commander didn't break his promise and gave Guangtou Qiang 30% of the spoils of war.

As for Octopus King, the commander didn't have the face to say that it was his spoils of war. Everyone could see that the credit for killing Octopus King went to those Celestial Armors.

"Divide a portion of Octopus King's meat and give it to the warriors of the Eastern Front," Su Chen conveyed to Guangtou Qiang.

Su Chen didn't care how others saw it. He had been eager to taste Octopus King's meat. Of course, he had an even better idea – using cloning technology to create a brand new Octopus King, of course, without any actual strength. He just wanted to eat the meat.

This way, he could eat a steady supply of Octopus King meat.

Cloning technology existed not only in Red Alert but also in this world, but it was not perfect. In Red Alert, cloning technology had developed quite well. Otherwise, why would there be a Cloning Center building and a Yuri Clone as a separate unit?

Octopus King was transported back by a thousand mechs, and Su Chen held a barbecue party. The only participants were some super units and the units from the main base. The units from the sub-bases were not fortunate enough to enjoy this feast.

"Indeed, Octopus King's meat is much tastier than that of a parasite. Yun Ru, remember to put the cloning of Octopus King as our top priority." Su Chen told Yun Ru while eating.

Yun Ru had sauce all over her mouth. She rolled her eyes at Su Chen and said, "I have a lot of technology to research, and I don't have time to clone for you..."

"I'll add five skewers of grilled octopus tentacles to each meal for you from now on." Su Chen said calmly.

"No, at least ten skewers!"


A transaction was made straightforwardly.

At this moment, a voice that sounded hair-raising appeared, "Commander, can I also have some grilled octopus tentacles?"

Libra suddenly appeared in front of Su Chen, looking at him with a slightly mad look in her eyes.

"Like Yun Ru, ten skewers per meal. If you have research results, you can have an extra meal." Su Chen was already calm. Libra occasionally had these crazy looks, but she had never harmed her own people. Her madness was only directed towards enemies.

"Commander is so good. When can you let Libra go out to kill enemies? Libra can't wait to see the enemy covered in blood."

"Don't worry, you'll have the chance."

In the next second, Libra's expression became very calm, too calm: "Thank you, Commander. Libra won't let you down."

Libra returned to her original appearance, and the surrounding units pretended not to see what she looked like just now.

Su Chen had long noticed that even his own loyal units had their own likes and dislikes, and they also had people they were close to. Only Libra had always been alone.

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