Published at 28th of June 2024 05:51:54 AM

Chapter 238: Disaster

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Chapter 238: Disaster

One month had passed in the blink of an eye.

Due to the winter chill, the surroundings were covered in white snow, and the blizzard had lasted for at least half a month.

In such harsh weather, even the Mutant Beasts were unable to attack the four major battlefronts. For a while, humans and Mutant Beasts entered a brief period of peace.

"What's for lunch today? Is there any meat? Tsk, we had a piece of meat yesterday, but there's none today?"

In the canteen of the Eastern Front, many soldiers were queuing up to collect their food. The food here was distributed equally, unless you were of general rank or higher, in which case the food might be slightly better.

A soldier looked at the tiny bit of oil floating on top of his bowl and sighed helplessly.

"This damn weather. It's stopping us from even having any meat to eat," the soldier muttered under his breath.

Another soldier nearby interjected, "We're actually doing pretty well here. You don't know that many Base Cities don't have any meat left now. They're all eating insect cakes. You know how those taste."

At the mention of insect cakes, a look of disgust appeared on the first soldier's face.

There was no denying that cakes made purely from bugs were really unappetizing.

No matter how revolting it was, insect cakes were still the best food for humans to survive difficult times. Without them, many people would have died back then.

To this day, insect cakes remained the last line of defense for human food.

Being at the front lines, humans often fought Mutant Beasts and seemed to have acquired a fair amount of Mutant Beast meat.

Unfortunately, the storage here was not as large as they would like, and coupled with the soldiers' high food consumption, the meat was almost all gone.

If the blizzard continued, they would have no choice but to eat insect cakes.

Leng Yuwei leisurely ate her own food, while Luo Hang quietly approached her and pulled out something, "Big Sister, this is the dried meat that I've been hiding. Have some."

"You eat it. We have enough food," Leng Yuwei replied calmly.

"Give me some," Zhang Tao didn't hesitate and took out a piece of dried meat to eat bit by bit.

In these circumstances, the price of even a small piece of dried meat had gone up several dozen times. It was really in short supply.

This was the only place where you could eat meat at a not-too-expensive price, and this alone was enough to make people from all Base Cities flock to it.

"Find out where Red Alert Snacks' ingredients come from?"

Many big shots secretly gave orders, and they wanted to go after Red Alert Snacks.

Red Alert Snacks was the only store in Red Alert Base that had not been officially announced. Many people suspected that Red Alert Snacks had nothing to do with Red Alert Base, and some were just making things up.

They were ready to test it out, and once they found out that the two were unrelated, they would definitely strike hard.

But those people didn't know that everything they did was seen by Su Chen.

"You want to go after my Red Alert Snacks?" Su Chen sneered.

Red Alert Snacks brought a significant share of Energy Crystals to the base, so Su Chen would not let anything happen to it.

"Tanya, I leave this matter to you."

"Yes, Commander."

About an hour later, a message exploded on the forum. A big shot from a second-tier Base City sent someone to go after Red Alert Snacks, but the people sent were all knocked down by a mysterious beauty. Then, that beauty went straight to the big shot's house, beat him up in front of everyone, and left.

People who knew about this were shocked. That big shot was a powerful figure in a second-tier Base City, but he was beaten up and couldn't fight back?

"I'm sure that beauty is at the Controller level. Why have we never seen her before?"

"Have you seen all the Controllers? Stop talking nonsense. The beauty is a Controller, what about you?"

"Brother, let's not joke around. Anyway, the Controller in our Base City is not this beauty."

"Same here."

After some people's calculations, they found a strange thing. Among the remaining 99 Base Cities of humanity, not one Controller was like the mysterious beauty. Where did this mysterious beauty come from? Was she a newly-promoted Controller?

Because of this incident, Red Alert Snacks was shrouded in a mysterious veil, and its business became even more prosperous. This was something even Su Chen had not expected.

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