Published at 28th of June 2024 05:51:21 AM

Chapter 243: Number Three Spy

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Chapter 243: Number Three Spy

In fact, the appearance of the blizzard was not just a disaster for humanity, but also a disaster for the Mutant Beasts.

Most Mutant Beasts either looked for caves or dug underground to prepare for the harsh weather.

Unlike humans, Mutant Beasts liked to stockpile food during the winter, but they had miscalculated the timing this time, and their food was running out.

Many Mutant Beasts were of a relatively large size, and their daily food intake was a significant amount. After enduring for so many days, they finally couldn't hold on any longer.

"Your Majesty, if it keeps going like this, we won't even have grass to eat," a wolf reported to the Wolf King. The Wolf King had already transformed into a human form, at least not taking up much space.

The Wolf King's face was dark. If there hadn't been such a big blizzard, they could have gone out to hunt other Mutant Beasts, barely sustaining themselves. This was also a survival tactic for the Mutant Beasts.

In this situation, eighth-ranked Mutant Beasts would not care.

But the appearance of the blizzard prevented low-level Mutant Beasts from coming out, and high-level Mutant Beasts couldn't find anything to eat even if they went out, so they wouldn't go out. The Wolf Clan couldn't hold on anymore.

"Leave the best offspring, and use the others as reserve food to last for a while," the Wolf King ordered.

This situation happened in many Mutant Beast groups. They couldn't eat all the low-level Mutant Beasts, or they wouldn't have the next generation. Mutant Beasts knew that it was terrifying for a group to have no younger generation.

But the Wolf King did not expect that, after just a few days, his subordinates were back.

"Your Majesty, all the low-level wolf clan members have been eaten. If we continue to eat, it will be the turn of the elite wolf clan members."

As for old wolves and the like, they didn't exist. Among the Wolf Clan, as long as their age exceeded a certain limit, they either left on their own or became the Wolf Clan's food with no third choice.

Unless the old wolf's strength was strong enough, reaching the fifth rank or above.

The Wolf King knew that if even the elites of the Wolf Clan were eaten, the backbone of the Wolf Clan would be gone.

"Gather our subordinates, we are going out to hunt!" The Wolf King couldn't bear it anymore. Hunt while his subordinates still had strength. Maybe they would have some gains. If they lost their strength, they would only become prey.The inaugural upload of this chapter took place via N0v3l-B1n.

The Wolf King led a group of subordinates, walking in the blizzard. Soon, their bodies were covered with a thick layer of white snow, which was a natural disguise.

Their target was another group of Mutant Beasts!

His Spy satellite was not something a blizzard could stop, and he could see everything that happened between Mutant Beasts and Mutants.

"Number Three Spy," Su Chen called.

Soon, Number Three Spy appeared in front of him.

Since the death of the Four-Armed Emperor, Number Three Spy had no missions and had been staying in the base.

This time, Su Chen called him because he had a new mission.

"Commander, what are your orders?"

"This time, I want to send you to places outside human territory to deal with Mutants and Mutant Beasts. You can choose for yourself."

"Mutants," Number Three Spy said without hesitation, as he had been pretending to be a Mutant for a long time and was used to it.

"Okay, there is no specific mission this time, you can act on your own, even if you have to replace a Mutant Emperor, it's not a problem."

Su Chen trusted Number Three Spy very much, after all, he had many tricks up his sleeve. If it weren't for Number Two Spy having to pretend to be the Golden Emperor, Su Chen would have sent both Spies together. Just imagine what kind of amazing performance two Spies working together could put on?

Just then, the System's voice sounded, "Conditions met, the owner has unlocked the third Spy position, do you want to build it?"

Su Chen was overjoyed. This was really like falling asleep and having someone bring a pillow. When Number Three Spy came out, he could go on missions with Number One Spy, wouldn't that be great?

Su Chen didn't let Number One Spy leave for the time being, but instead built Number Three Spy.

"Number Three Spy, report to the Commander!"

A rather heroic-looking woman stood in front of Su Chen. She was the Number Three Spy that Su Chen had prepared for Number One Spy.

"Well, from now on, you will follow Number One Spy and go on missions together."

Su Chen noticed that there was a hint of surprise on Number One Spy's face. He probably didn't expect that two Spies would work together.

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