Published at 28th of June 2024 05:51:17 AM

Chapter 246: A Beauty is Only Worthy of a Stronger One!

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Chapter 246: A Beauty is Only Worthy of a Stronger One!

Humans didn't know the meaning behind the Mutant attack this time. Was it just a simple probe? It was unlikely!

It should be noted that in this battle, the Mutants suffered at least 100,000 losses, while the human losses reached over a thousand, and these were all human elites.

Regardless of the reason, the human frontline defense was strengthened again, and the Mutants must not be allowed to invade human territory.

Number One Spy and Number Three Spy successfully followed the Mutant army to their gathering point.

This place was a frontline city before the Apocalypse, and one could vaguely see the once prosperous city from some tall abandoned buildings around it.

Unfortunately, after 30 years, the buildings here were covered with all kinds of vegetation, and it was impossible to see the appearance of a modern city.

The two Spies knew their disguised identities. They disguised themselves as non-intelligent Mutant Cannons, which were grouped together with intelligent Mutants, and they were not easy to deal with at the moment.

All the Cannon Grey Mutants were once again wandering the streets, and they were the city's defense line, preventing any humans from sneaking in. Since the appearance of intelligent Mutants, they have also learned about these things.

Soon, Number One Spy found a target, or rather, a pair of targets.

As long as there are intelligent organisms, they will look for a beautiful opposite sex, it is instinctive.

In front of Number One Spy, there was a Mutant couple, the female Mutant looked almost like a human, except that her skin appeared somewhat dull. As for the male Mutant, Number One Spy preferred to call him "toilet man" because he looked just like a toilet, completely unrecognizable as a human being, mutated beyond recognition.

Number One Spy gave Number Three Spy a look, and the two acted like idiots, slowly walking past them.

Number One Spy didn't intend to kill them directly but wanted to gather some information first. Of course, mind control was also quietly influencing them, making them reveal all their information.

When the time was right, Number One Spy went up and punched them both, killing them on the spot.

"Well, you know the information now. We will now disguise ourselves as them, don't cause any accidents," Number One Spy said expressionlessly.

A bar is the most suitable place to gather information. If he had a bar, would he not have access to all kinds of information?

However, according to Ma Tong's character, he would not agree directly, but would show some anger first, and only agree after being provoked.

Number One Spy had already figured out Ma Tong's character, and no one could tell that he was a fake.

As a result, Number One Spy got the bar. In the Mutant world, the words of the strong are the law, and no one felt that Number One Spy was wrong. It was taken for granted.

Even Su Chen couldn't believe that Number One Spy had infiltrated the Mutants so easily. It had to be said that the Spy profession really had a natural advantage.

But at this moment, Su Chen had no time to pay attention to Number One Spy's operation. His attention was already focused on something else: the blue meteorite!

Since Su Chen obtained it, Yun Ru had taken it away to study it. Today, Yun Ru found Su Chen.

"Commander, according to my research, I found that this thing is indeed the culprit behind the changes on Earth, but..." Yun Ru's expression was a bit strange.

"But what?"

"But besides this thing, there should be something else. The two together caused a reaction that led to the changes on a planet. Commander, you should have seen the last test. Where the blue meteorite fell, the blue substance was highly concentrated, but the farther away from the hundred-kilometer range, the less blue substance there was. This shows that the blue substance cannot spread to the whole world on its own."

"Have you found the other thing?"

"Not yet. I have no idea what the other thing is or where it is. If I find it, I am confident that I can make sure the blue meteorite affects the right direction."

Su Chen looked at the blue meteorite. It was a waste that it was currently useless.

Su Chen closed his eyes. Since the blue meteorite could be recorded, the other thing should also be recorded. It seemed that it was time to review the records.

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