Published at 28th of June 2024 05:51:06 AM

Chapter 253: Unbelievable!

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Chapter 253: Unbelievable!

The troops passed through the outskirts of Hengchong City unimpeded, and the people standing on the city wall witnessed the equipment of the Red Alert Base.

Tanks with different designs, soldiers with powerful combat abilities - just a glance was enough to tell that these were elite troops.

But what shocked them the most was that there were even airborne units in the sky, as well as helicopters and fighter jets!

This was Snowstorm weather, yet they dared to let their aircraft out. Wasn't that asking for trouble?

Of course, they didn't know that with the research results of Yun Ru and others, Snowstorm's influence on Su Chen's aircraft was now minimal.

Each Helicopter Fighter Jet was equipped with a barrier made using Mind Technology 4.0, which could form a protective shield around the aircraft, preventing Snowstorm from affecting their operation. It was a great tool.N0v3lRealm was the platform where this chapter was initially revealed on N0v3l.B1n.

It sounded impressive, but there were some limitations. First, the defense of this tool was not very strong, and it would be shattered by attacks above Sixth Order. Second, it would take some time to restore the barrier after it was broken.

Su Chen had accelerated the production of these tools and given them to Boris' team, after all, it was the Red Alert Base's first time going out to battle, and they couldn't afford to lose face.

Boris knew his mission - to capture the oil field. They sped up as they traveled, encountering a group of Mutant Beasts not long after leaving human territory.

The scent of humans?

The Mutant Beasts were instantly excited. They hadn't eaten humans in a long time, and now they had smelled the scent of humans, they charged forward.

But when they saw the situation clearly, the Mutant Beasts were confused.

Sorry, wrong target!

The Red Alert Soldiers didn't give them the chance to choose, and killed them all with their AK-47s.

Although they had brought a lot of dry rations this time, thriftiness was still a traditional virtue of the Red Alert Base.

"I'm not mistaken, is this actually live streaming? It seems to be the Red Alert Base's live stream?" someone commented.

"Awesome, isn't this the team that passed by the outskirts of our Hengchong City a few hours ago? Are they live streaming this time?"

"Unbelievable! How can they dare to leave human territory and go to such a dangerous place? What are they doing?"

Many people sent questioning comments. They didn't know why the Red Alert troops went to the Mutant Beast territory. There was not a single human outside, and even if there was a treasure, they couldn't bring it back.

At this moment, someone noticed the name of the live room, "Take back our oil fields and clean up some garbage."

This goal was so obvious that even fools could understand it. The destination of the Red Alert troops was actually the large oil field in the north.

Anyone who had received an education before the Apocalypse knew that there was a world-class oil field in the north of this place, which had played a very large part in supplying crude oil. Unfortunately, after the Apocalypse, it was abandoned.

There was no way because humans did not have the strength to expand their territory to that place, and crude oil was not very useful for human technology now, so it was just abandoned.

In the live stream, humans saw well-equipped soldiers who had clearly been through battles. Many people were shocked by the weapons they saw because they found that many of the weapons were not sold by Red Flag.

"I knew it, the Red Alert Base must have better weapons, otherwise, why would they sell those weapons?"

"Clearly, there are such good weapons, but they are not being sold. The Red Alert Base has become too arrogant."

"You are so full of it. Who says that new weapons must be taken out? Why don't you ask those human leaders to show their researched weapons? It's already good enough that the Red Alert Base can take out and sell their weapons. Have the human leaders ever done that?"

Some people started to argue in the live stream, and soon they were banned, and the live stream was quiet.

At this time, the number of people in the live stream had reached one billion people, which meant that nearly half of humanity was paying attention to this live stream.

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