Published at 28th of June 2024 05:51:01 AM

Chapter 255: Dog King, You Are Plotting Against Me!

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Chapter 255: Dog King, You Are Plotting Against Me!

"Humans, you have entered our territory and deserve to be executed!" The voice of Phosphorus King made the surrounding Snowstorms pause for a moment.

Boris and Clone stood in mid-air, facing two emperors. With a beard on his face, Boris remained calm and said, "This is our human territory, which was just taken away by you."

At the sight of Boris, everyone thought they were a pair of brothers and no one realized that one of them was a Clone.

Hearing Boris's words, the humans couldn't help but clench their fists. Yes, Earth used to be the place of humans until the appearance of Apocalypse, which led to humans becoming what they are now.

"Hahaha! I said this is not your territory, so it is not! I'll give you a chance to consider, but you better think carefully!" Phosphorus King boasted.

But secretly, Phosphorus King wanted to run away. He never expected that two Human Emperors would appear here. How was this possible?

He knew about the Human Emperors, but these two were strangers to him. If it were just one Human Emperor, with his and Dog King's strength, there was still hope of defeating him. However, with two, they were evenly matched, and there was no way to win.

He quickly returned home to find more emperors. Humans sending emperors meant that they had an important mission, which must not be allowed to succeed.

"My answer is..." Boris's words were not finished when his assault rifle opened fire, giving the other side no chance to react.

Boris fired at Phosphorus King with precision, while Clone fired at Dog King with a completely off-target aim.

Phosphorus King didn't know what was happening. He found it shameless that this human opened fire during negotiations that had not yet ended. He thought they had no principles.


A light sound was heard, and a large amount of white powder appeared in front of Phosphorus King, and his body disappeared.

"Did he run away?" Boris was a little surprised.

Just as Boris was about to say something, he seemed to hear a sound and immediately fired his assault rifle at the back. As Clone, he also fired a shot.

Boris's gun was not as powerful as Ju Ling's, but it was much stronger than most weapons.

After two shots, a figure appeared in the air. It was Phosphorus King, who had two bloody holes in his body, the result of Boris's attacks.

"Impossible, how could my empty domain be broken?" Phosphorus King was stunned.

"What is just a domain? It seems it's time to tell you what a man's domain is!"

Suddenly, the two Borises tore open their shirts, revealing their hairy chests. Then, two domains appeared, enveloping the surroundings. This was Boris's domain.

When the strength reached the eighth order, one could have their own domain. However, Boris had never had the opportunity to use it until now.

Phosphorus King was shocked and shouted at Dog King, "Dog King, come and help me! What are you waiting for?"

Dog King shook its head helplessly and came to Boris's side. Boris didn't move.

At this moment, even if Phosphorus King was a fool, he knew that Dog King was in cahoots with this human!

"Dog King, you're plotting against me!" Phosphorus King shouted in despair. He couldn't believe that Mutant Beasts were actually partnering with humans.

Could it be that humans wanted to eliminate their New Human species by teaming up with Mutant Beasts?

Fortunately, there was no way to livestream inside the domain, otherwise if humans saw this scene, they would probably be shocked.

Dahua didn't want to talk to this fool, it just lay on the ground, waiting for Boris's performance.

Once Boris used his own domain, Phosphorus King was doomed to lose.

Boris's domain was very straightforward and domineering. In this domain, one could only use physical strength, and the enemy would always be suppressed!

Phosphorus King had just suffered a serious injury, and his chances of winning in a fight against Boris were almost zero. He felt that he couldn't use any of his other powers, only pure physical strength. He realized it was not good and shouted at Boris, "Human, I don't know how much Dog King paid you, no matter what the price is, I can offer you ten times!"

Of course, that was what he said. Once Boris let him go, he would definitely not give a penny. He would only try his best to kill this human who made him lose face.

Boris ignored him, clasping his fists and making a creaking sound, with a smirk on his face, he walked towards Phosphorus King.

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