Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:58 AM

Chapter 257: The Humiliation in Mutant Beasts!

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Chapter 257: The Humiliation in Mutant Beasts!

Eating is of utmost importance to humans.

For this, humans can eat a species that is one of the largest in number globally, to the brink of extinction. They can only barely survive through artificial breeding.

The current situation is so similar to the past. To be able to eat Mutant Beast meat first, they rushed out excitedly, looking for Mutant Beasts everywhere.

It's different now than before. In the past, humans were always cautious, afraid of encountering Mutant Beasts. But now it has changed to Mutant Beasts running away first when encountering humans. If they were a bit slower, they would become the humans' meal.

This scene made all humans realize that times have changed!

"Didn't you see, we went out hunting Mutant Beasts today, those Mutant Beasts ran when they saw us. I'll be damned, this is the first time I've encountered this kind of thing since I was born."

"Don't say any more. I got left behind by the team, there was only one person left outside, and I encountered a group of more than ten Mutant Beasts. You know what happened? Those Mutant Beasts saw me and ran directly. I was dumbfounded."

"What do you call that? I have a buddy with a loud voice. He yelled at a Mutant Beast to stand still, and that Mutant Beast fainted from fright. It's really pitiful."

"Ever heard of waiting for prey by a tree? I just happened to be peeing by a tree, and a Mutant Beast crashed into the tree next to me and knocked itself out. Can you believe it? Let's not talk about this. I'm going to go take another look today to see if there will be another stupid Mutant Beast like that."

The people on the forums were excitedly crazy. When have they ever encountered this kind of situation, Mutant Beasts afraid of humans? Are you not awake yet?

But today, these have all become reality. The territories of humans have truly become under the control of humans.

To prevent all Mutant Beasts from being killed off, some Base Cities started mass purchasing various Mutant Beasts and began artificial breeding.

The Mutant Beasts naturally felt terrified when they knew about this matter, but this time humans simply ignored them and did as they wished.

Artificial breeding is imperative!

Otherwise, when all the Mutant Beasts in human territories die out, what meat will humans eat?

Su Chen didn't provide any help regarding breeding techniques. They could only rely on their own exploration.

For Su Chen, there was no shortage of Mutant Beast meat. The ocean had endless Mutant Beasts, and there were countless Mutant Beasts outside of human territories.

No meat to eat? Don't joke around!

Now, the Mutant Beasts outside human territories no longer acknowledged these Mutant Beasts as real Mutant Beasts. They all felt these Mutant Beasts were a humiliation to all Mutant Beasts!

Su Chen's eyelid twitched. He also knew all the human rulers, but only Zhu Hui gave him the feeling of...the most silly one!

That's right, Zhu Hui naturally carried a silly attribute. Sometimes even Su Chen felt very speechless. How did this guy become a ruler?

"When winter ends, humans will counterattack Mutant Beasts!" Su Chen also said seriously.

Zhu Hui was shocked in his heart. This was no joke. Once humans really counterattack, it would mean tearing up the agreement with Mutant Beasts. Humans and Mutant Beasts would fight to the death from then on.

Of course the current situation was also bitter hatred, just relatively more stable.

Once the counterattack really started, no Base City would be able to continue peacefully like now. At that time, either the Mutant Beasts die, or humanity perishes!

"Humans are still too weak now." Zhu Hui said in a deep voice. This was the truth.

Whether in numbers or quality, humans were at a disadvantage. If not for the internal discord of Mutant Beasts, humans would not have survived until now. Of course, South Emperor's deterrence also played a part.

"To become stronger is simple. Have all Base Cities send their Third Order Transcendents to the four main battlefronts and let them improve their strength under the threat of death."

When Su Chen said this, a murderous aura came rushing forth.

As a Commander, Su Chen was no longer who he was initially. Being gentle and indecisive was not his character.

Only under the crisis of life and death could humans burst out their potential and quickly improve their strength.

Wanting to peacefully defeat the Mutant Beasts was impossible!

Zhu Hui fell silent. This kind of matter was too huge for him to decide alone, so he directly contacted the other rulers to have a meeting of rulers.

Soon, an image appeared on the wall showing all the human rulers.

"Emperor Ming, you've started a meeting of rulers. What's the matter?" Emperor Kong asked first.

But all the rulers' gazes were on Su Chen. They already knew Su Chen's appearance. They just didn't expect Su Chen to also participate in this meeting.

With an Eighth Order ruler under him, it was nothing for Su Chen to participate in this kind of meeting.

They didn't know Golden Emperor was still under Su Chen's command in disguise.

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