Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:56 AM

Chapter 258: The Emperor's Conference

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Chapter 258: The Emperor's Conference

Zhu Hui didn't beat around the bush and said directly, "The main purpose of opening the Emperor's Conference this time is to discuss one thing."

His gaze was deep, which made other emperors feel strange, as if this matter was related to the future of humanity, and indeed it was.

"The matter of human counterattack against the Mutant Beasts!"

Other emperors were somewhat shocked - human counterattack?

With the current strength of humanity, it was still far from enough to counterattack Mutant Beasts. At least they needed to wait until human strength was stronger.

Western Emperor was the first to object, "Emperor Ming, this matter is not a child's play. We cannot bet all of humanity on this."

Eastern Emperor had the same opinion, "No!"

All the emperors expressed their opposition!

The Second Spy disguised as the Golden Emperor also opposed it, naturally representing Su Chen's view. If the Second Spy agreed here, how could the drama continue?

Zhu Hui was not surprised. When he first heard Su Chen's words, he also opposed it, but he thought Su Chen was right - humanity needed to counterattack.

If their strength was not enough, then they should go to the front lines and fight, exchanging their lives for strength. They could not always let those front-line soldiers pay the price while others only enjoyed the benefits.The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñøv€l-B1n.

Recently, Zhu Hui had also noticed that there seemed to be a lack of threat, and many people in the Base City began to choose to enjoy and waste resources. Although some investigations had been carried out, it was not enough. Humanity needed a major bloodletting!

At least, the top of humanity needed to maintain its previous appearance, and there could be no slackening. Humanity could not afford to lose.

After Zhu Hui's observation, several newly promoted emperors had performed well in various aspects. This was natural, as they had all been Controllers of Level 2 Base Cities and could not have reached that level without certain abilities.

"When humanity needs to change, don't you say that human strength is not enough? Then let them all go to the front lines. As long as they experience a few battles, they will gain strength." Zhu Hui's expression was calm.

They realized what Zhu Hui meant when they saw his expression.

"Is this Su Chen's proposal?" A strange voice sounded. This was a newly promoted emperor of humanity, with the title of Ax Emperor.

His expression was somewhat indifferent, and his gaze at Su Chen was not friendly. He was the only emperor who had no intersection with Su Chen.

Does having an emperor under one's command qualify one to participate in the Emperor's Conference?

No one could answer this question. After all, as an emperor, how could one be willing to be someone else's subordinate? This was definitely a first.

Ax Emperor's face looked a bit ugly. His strength was similar to that of the big man, which meant he was at the same level as Su Chen's subordinate. How could he not be angry?

Ax Emperor remained silent, but would Su Chen let him go so easily?

At this moment, Ax Emperor received a message from his subordinate that a Fighter Jet had entered the Base City's airspace, and its identity was unknown.

"Shoot it down!" Ax Emperor, who was already annoyed, gave this order. Whoever made him unhappy had to die.

Soon, he received another message that the Fighter Jet had not been destroyed and was still flying around in the sky, ignoring the Base City's air defense system.

Ax Emperor was furious. Su Chen had already made him lose face, and now there was a Fighter Jet, which made him even more embarrassed!

Suddenly, Ax Emperor felt that something was wrong. There was someone else in his room!

"Who are you? How did you get in here!" Ax Emperor shouted.

Ax Emperor's camera was still on, and all the emperors noticed that something was wrong. But as the Human Emperor, how could anyone approach him?

Soon, they found out through Ax Emperor's camera that a bald man had appeared not far from Ax Emperor. What was going on?

Only Zhu Hui looked confused. He recognized the bald man. Wasn't he Su Chen's subordinate?

Sure enough, Su Chen said directly, "Don't panic, everyone. This is one of my subordinates. Ax Emperor's attitude just now made me uncomfortable, and after thinking about it, I decided to beat him up to clear my mind."

The emperors were shocked. What kind of grudge was this? Did he have to beat someone up to clear his mind?

What shocked them even more was that Su Chen had already revealed one emperor under his command, and now another one appeared. Did he have three emperors under his command?

Eastern Emperor and Emperor Yu were even more shocked. They remembered that the emperor who had acted in the Eastern Front was not this bald man. So if you counted him, Su Chen's number of emperors under his command had reached a shocking three!

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