Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:50 AM

Chapter 262: New Recruits

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Chapter 262: New Recruits

Last time, Su Chen gave Yun Ru the opportunity, so this time he needed to carefully select a candidate.

His level 8 task required him to kill a Late Eighth Order powerhouse. The only Late Eighth Order Mutant Beast had already caught Su Chen's attention. Once it appeared, Su Chen would immediately go and kill it.

As long as he could complete the level 8 task, he could reach the level 8 Commander permission and build six Superweapons.

With Superweapons, it was only a matter of time before he could dominate the world.

Therefore, what he needed was a unit with strong output.

The first person he thought of was Ju Ling. As the only long-range attack super unit under his command, her output was terrifying. The downside was obvious: she was in danger once she was approached.

"Ju Ling, come here."

"Reporting to Commander, what are your orders?" Ju Ling saluted.

"I just got an opportunity for a second evolution, and I've decided to give it to you."

Ju Ling was overjoyed. "Thank you, Commander, for your trust. Ju Ling will offer all her loyalty to expand your territory!"

At that moment, the system reminded Su Chen that Ju Ling's loyalty had exceeded the limit, and she could be given an ability, just like what happened with Spy No.1.

So far, this was the second unit whose loyalty had exceeded the limit. Su Chen had tested it before and found that it wasn't as simple as giving a good reward to break the limit of loyalty. It all depended on luck.

Once the loyalty exceeded the limit, an additional ability could be obtained, which was a profitable deal.

Su Chen thought about what ability to give Ju Ling.

If he gave Ju Ling a melee ability, it would waste her talent for long-range attacks. In other words, she needed an ability that could highlight her output.

After thinking for a while, he made a decision.

He would give Ju Ling the psychic impact ability in the psychic technique, which meant that Ju Ling's attacks would now carry psychic damage!

Ju Ling's attack was no longer just physical damage, but also carried psychic damage, which was something that no one could have expected.

These new recruits, who had never experienced a great war before, were shocked by the brutal battlefield when they first entered.

Surrounding soldiers kept dying, blood staining the ground, and even fragments of Mutant Beasts splashed onto them, leaving them stunned.

Is this the battlefield?

Do frontline soldiers experience this every day?

The new recruits couldn't imagine how frontline soldiers had survived for so many years. Some of them even vomited on the spot.

Because there were too many people, half of the soldiers on each of the four major battlefronts were sent back to their original Base City, allowing them to enjoy some rare leisure time.

Each battlefront was left with only half of the veteran soldiers, and the rest were new recruits. Without the veteran soldiers to support them, these new recruits would have suffered heavy casualties in their first battle.

"These are just a bunch of newbies, scared by such a small scene. If they saw the big scenes before, they would probably wet their pants, haha." A veteran soldier laughed loudly.

They had always been dissatisfied with the Transcendents who lived in the Base City. Despite their strength, they always stayed in the rear Base City and never fought on the frontlines, wasting human resources. They were the people they despised the most.

Frontline soldiers were composed of three parts: criminals, people who were forced to join, and those who voluntarily came here.

People who dared to say such things were usually those who voluntarily joined the frontline. They were the true elites of humanity.

Not only were they strong, but they also had a wealth of experience. Even in chaotic battlefields, they could try their best to kill the enemy while protecting themselves.

The new recruits around who heard the veteran soldier's voice blushed, and they couldn't argue.

Compared to them, the veteran soldiers were all gods of war, especially the woman who stood at the forefront and engaged in an unparalleled mowing mode, making people amazed.

This person was Leng Yuwei, who had now reached the Seventh Order and was a famous figure in the Eastern Front, known as the Red Rose.

Snowstorm had just disappeared, and the Mutant Beasts were preparing to use the battle to obtain some food. Obviously, not only humans, but even the Mutant Beast's corpses were a source of food.

This battle was different from usual. Every time a Mutant Beast was killed, human soldiers would send the Mutant Beast's corpse back to the rear. If a comrade died, their body would also be protected and sent back.

Both humans and Mutant Beasts were fighting for resources!

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