Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:47 AM

Chapter 264: Points

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Chapter 264: Points

Su Chen started the live broadcast this time to showcase the power and contribution of the Red Alert base, as a preparation for what's to come.

He knew that, relying solely on himself, it would be difficult to confront the Mutant Beasts. Apart from anything else, he had far too few subordinates.

Even if he used up all his energy to build Red Alert Soldiers, the number would still be far outnumbered by the Mutant Beasts.

The human population was less than 200 million, but the number of Mutant Beasts? Preliminary estimates put it at over 5 billion!

If you added the Mutants' several billion numbers, it meant that humans had to rely on such a small number to face nearly 10 billion enemies. It was a desperate situation!

Fortunately, once Mutant Beasts gained intelligence, they knew to be careful not to use up their strength and let others take advantage, which allowed humans to hold on.

But this situation couldn't last long. Not to mention that South Emperor's lifespan was nearing its end, if that Late Eighth Order Mutant Beast appeared, it would certainly unify the Mutant Beasts and gather all their strength to attack humans. At that time, humans would be facing a life-or-death situation.

Su Chen not only had to improve his own strength, but also the strength of all humanity.

This was a good opportunity for humans to go to the four major battlefronts in batches to improve their strength. Su Chen believed that after a period of time, the overall strength of humanity should increase by at least 30%.

But that was not enough. There were still more than three months before the end of winter, and Su Chen needed the strength of humanity to double.

The best way to stimulate someone's potential is through rewards!

If there was a reward that no one could refuse, then anyone would be motivated.

Su Chen announced in the live broadcast that whoever kills the most enemies in each battle can choose one of Tengu Mecha, Ghost King Mech, and Centurion Siege Mech. At the end of each month, the person with the most kill points will receive the Celestial Armor!

The number of kill points varies according to the strength of each Mutant Beast, and everything will be monitored by satellite to prevent errors.

Kill points cannot be traded and cannot be brushed for others. Once detected, the qualification for points will be revoked.

"To him, giving away some mechs is nothing compared to the love and support he gains from many people. He's making a good deal," Leng Yuwei seemed to have guessed Su Chen's thoughts.

The two of them realized that it was true. Some mechs were nothing to Su Chen.

"Although Su Chen has provided us with many conveniences, I don't have the nerve to directly ask him for things. Why don't we use our own abilities to kill enemies and earn points to exchange for things in the end?" Luo Hang suggested.

Leng Yuwei also had the same idea. Su Chen had already provided her with too much, and she didn't feel comfortable asking for more. That was not her style.

She, Leng Yuwei, would obtain what she needed with her own hands. Recently, she had gradually been absorbing the Energy Crystals from the Mutant Beasts she hunted, without using the ones Su Chen had given her.

Su Chen didn't care about this. His only goal was to keep Leng Yuwei from dying. He didn't pay attention to other things.

The points system motivated humanity to fight bravely. On the first day, they even pushed the Mutant Beasts back!

In these battles, there generally wouldn't be any strong people above the Eighth Order, as both humans and Mutant Beasts needed to train.

On the first day, the four people with the highest points went to the Red Flag's branch on the four major battlefronts and received their own mechs, making a lot of people envious.

These four people chose three different mechs, among which the Tengu Mecha, which could transform into a jet and a mech, became one of the most popular mechs.

The Centurion Siege Mech could accommodate three people, which meant one mech could provide a moment of pleasure for three people, three times the fun.

Finally, the Ghost King Mech, with its cool appearance and deadly eyes, made many people envy it. Those eyes could really kill people.

On the second day, the three types of mechs appeared on the battlefield, attracting countless onlookers. Here, they were the most handsome and beautiful ones around!

The performance of the three mechs showed to others that even if they weren't as powerful as the Celestial Armor, they were still powerful. They rampaged through the Mutant Beasts, even more arrogant than crabs.

The Tengu Mecha was not that heavily armored, but the Centurion Siege Mech and Ghost King Mech were among the ones with thick armor. They gave the Mutant Beasts the feeling that they couldn't break through the defense.

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