Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:43 AM

Chapter 267: MutantSpy!

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Chapter 267: MutantSpy!

Five minutes ago, Su Chen received a communication from Spy #1, who told him something very important.

That something was that Mutants had infiltrated the human race with their spies!

On the surface, this doesn't sound strange. Mutant Beasts can have Beast slaves among humans, so it's normal for Mutants to plant spies among humans.

The only thing that surprised Su Chen was that these spies were not human, but Mutants.

How is that possible?

Su Chen thought like everyone else that Mutants have strange appearances, and outside, they would definitely be seen as monsters. So how could they be spies?

But Spy #1 told Su Chen that among the Mutants, there are a few who look exactly like humans, and they are the best candidates for spies.

Coincidentally, Spy #1 has been doing well in the Mutant community lately, and has heard a lot of information, including the accurate identities of those Mutants, one of whom is this Beautiful Reporter.

Su Chen was still in shock from this information, and was only in contact with Spy #1. He didn't expect such a coincidence that this Beautiful Reporter was right in front of him. Is this considered a delivery to his doorstep?

However, Su Chen also had a doubt. Even if Mutants look like humans, what about their background information?

This is where the abilities of these Mutants come into play. They actually have the ability to disguise themselves, yes, the ability to spy.

But unlike regular spies, their abilities are one-time use. Once they become someone, they can never turn back, and no one can tell the difference.

Of course, Su Chen knew how much of an impact his actions would have. He smiled at the camera and said, "I know a lot of people think I'm ruthless for destroying this beauty, and don't believe that this beautiful woman is a Mutant. Now I'll show you."

With that, Su Chen grabbed the Beautiful Reporter's left arm and pulled.


Her arm was broken at the shoulder, but the red blood they imagined didn't appear. Instead, there was a strange color of blood and muscle that definitely didn't belong to a human.

Occasionally, a wanted criminal was caught, and it was truly a commendable action.

It appeared as if everyone was passing through a device, but what nobody knew was that the detection was being performed by Hounds!

Hounds had the ability to see through disguises, and even the Emperor was helpless against Mutant disguises. However, in front of Hounds, they were nothing.

As soon as a Mutant Spy passed by, the Hounds would bark, and someone would come to arrest the Spy.

Since they were Spies, their strength couldn't be too strong, or they would draw attention. The strongest one was only Seventh Order and was suppressed by the Controllers present.

In just one day, all Mutant Spies and a large number of wanted criminals were caught, and countless people cheered. They no longer had to worry about having Mutants among them.

Zhu Hui couldn't believe that only some mutated dogs could discover the Mutant Spies. What were they made of?

Even he couldn't tell the difference between a Mutant Spy and a regular human. If it weren't for the fact that Mutants were inherently different from humans, there would be no way to distinguish them.

With all the Mutant Spies caught, even the Mutant Emperor knew about the incident.

"Impossible, how could humans find our Spies?" a Mutant Emperor couldn't believe it.

These Mutants were already very secretive, and few people knew their identities. After being sent to the human side and using their disguising abilities, no one would suspect them. They had even hoped that these Spies could be effective, but they were exposed so quickly.

They thought it was the Beautiful Reporter who brought it upon herself, provoking Su Chen and causing the Mutant Spies to be exposed. Otherwise, nothing would have happened.

In fact, they were overthinking it. These Mutant Emperors never imagined that not only did they send out Spies, Su Chen also sent out Spies.

Now it seems that Su Chen's Spy skills were superior.

Humans did not directly kill these Mutant Spies, but captured them for research. After all, they were Mutants, and they wouldn't feel bad if they died. These were also live research materials!

They were curious about the Mutant's disguising ability. If humans also had this ability, wouldn't they be able to go to the Mutant side and be Spies in return?

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