Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:42 AM

Chapter 268: A Successful Rise to Power

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Chapter 268: A Successful Rise to Power

For Su Chen, MutantSpy's situation was not a big deal. All of his bases were busy constructing various troops and weapons in preparation for the human counterattack after winter.

Su Chen didn't think that Mutant Beasts were all fools. Humans would definitely take notice of such a large-scale operation, and the Mutants would know that humans were planning a major offensive after the end of winter.

Originally, Mutant wanted to use Spy to gather some human secrets, but as soon as Spy went out, he was caught and almost got the Mutant Emperors angry.

At that moment, Spy No.1 met a Mutant Emperor, Mirror Emperor.

Originally, Mutant had eight Emperors, but after the death of the Four-Armed Emperor, there were still seven. During this time, a new Emperor appeared, bringing the total back up to eight.

Among them, Mirror Emperor's strength was considered upper-middle among all the Emperors, and he was Spy No.1's target.

At first, Spy No.1 used the bar as his base and kept gathering all kinds of intelligence on Mutants. When he felt he had enough information, he targeted the Mutant Emperors, with Mirror Emperor being the first.

"Greetings, Lord Mirror Emperor," Spy No.1 respectfully called out.

Mirror Emperor was a Mutant who looked quite ordinary. His skin was gray-white, and there was a mirror-shaped decoration on his forehead, which was quite strange.Witness the debut of this chapter, unveiled through Ñôv€l--B1n.

"Ma Tong, I heard that you've opened many branches of your bar recently and made a lot of money?" Mirror Emperor asked casually.

Mutants, like humans, used Energy Crystals as currency. Of course, they didn't issue things like Hope Coins, as Mutant Emperors were not so focused on that.

Spy No.1 opened many branches and made a lot of Energy Crystals, making many Mutants jealous and wanting to swallow up his bar. But he taught them a lesson.

Spy No.1 was very clever and didn't reveal his strength at first. Instead, he gradually improved, making people think that he was just using the bar to earn a lot of Energy Crystals and then improving his strength.

Now, Spy No.1 has demonstrated peak Seventh Order strength, which is quite rare among Mutants. As soon as he takes one step further, he will become an Emperor!

Therefore, this level of Mutant has a name, "Quasi-Emperor"!

Mirror Emperor was impressed with Spy No.1's strength and intelligence. Such a person would be wasted if he didn't become his subordinate. If Spy No.1 could become an Emperor, then he would be the first Emperor among Mutants to have a subordinate Emperor!

This person happened to have a very good relationship with No.1 Spy and often frequented the bar. After getting drunk one time, he revealed the information.

No.1 Spy was overjoyed. This was a perfect opportunity!

This time, No.1 Spy was prepared to act with No.3 Spy. They had a secret weapon on them, a modified Chrono Legionnaire weapon!

The original version could only be used by Chrono Legionnaires. Even Yun Ru couldn't decipher the technology behind it and could only create a fake product.

This fake product couldn't erase everything, but it could immobilize the opponent. Once the user moved, the imprisonment effect would disappear.

The only impressive thing was that this thing ignored levels. Even No.3 Spy, who was at the peak of Seventh Order, could make Mirror Emperor, who was at Eighth Order Mid-Term, unable to move.

An hour later, Mirror Emperor was replaced when no one knew about it.

No.1 Spy successfully took his place!

But here, he needed to impersonate two identities, one as bar owner Ma Tong, and the other as Mirror Emperor.

"Commander, Mirror Emperor is dead. Next, I plan to launch attacks on the Mutant Beasts around us, occasionally harassing other Mutants, following the example of the Four-Armed Emperor," No.1 Spy reported.

Su Chen didn't expect No.1 Spy to act so quickly and take over Mirror Emperor's position so soon. Were Mutant Emperors really that weak?

It wasn't that Mutant Emperors were weak, but rather that they had a blind spot in their thinking. After all, who would have thought that a nearby Mutant would turn out to be a Spy?

Su Chen trusted No.1 Spy to get things done, but at that moment, something happened.

There was a change in the ancient ruins!

Zhu Hui told him the news. Only five veteran Emperors knew the location of the ancient ruins, and they had been monitoring them. But last night, the ruins unexpectedly appeared!

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