Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:41 AM

Chapter 269: Changes in the Ancient Ruins

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Chapter 269: Changes in the Ancient Ruins

"How could the ancient ruins appear? Wasn't it said that only those above the Eighth Order can enter?" Su Chen was puzzled.

Zhu Hui sounded confused too. "That's how it was supposed to be. We did experiments before, and those below the Eighth Order couldn't even see the place, let alone enter it. I suspect that something has changed inside the ancient ruins, causing them to appear. Now even those below the Eighth Order can see it."

Su Chen frowned slightly. Once this news got out, it would not be good for humanity.

If the Mutant Beasts knew that humans had such a great place, they would definitely try their best to get in. Who knows what treasure might be inside that could help them break through to the next level?

This possibility was not unfounded. Su Chen knew a piece of information that South Emperor was able to surpass other emperors by a large margin because he had entered a strange place and obtained some opportunities, which helped him quickly reach the peak of the Eighth Order and protect humanity.

The ancient ruins were a chance for humanity. If they could obtain what was inside, humans might really be able to regain their position as the masters of the Earth.

"What's the situation there now?" Su Chen opened the map and selected the location of the ancient ruins.

Previously, when he checked the map, there was nothing there, and he could see it clearly. But now, the ancient ruins appeared as a black area.

It wasn't just a black dot; it was a pitch-black area, which was the first time he had seen it.

Even when there were unobservable targets in the past, they were only the size of a black dot. But in the area around the ancient ruins, Spy satellites within a hundred kilometers of Su Chen failed!

Su Chen had to suspect that there was some super-advanced technology inside the ancient ruins that made the Spy satellites ineffective.

Zhu Hui sounded helpless. "It has become a forbidden zone, and no one can get close. I am the closest, and I went to check it out before, but I couldn't even get in."

Su Chen was surprised. Previously, even those above the Eighth Order could enter the ancient ruins, but now not even those at the Eighth Order could enter. What was going on?

"What about those below the Eighth Order?"

"They can't enter either."

"Let me go there and check it out."

"We've been deploying personnel to the front line every week for the past month, and on average, we have a battle every day. Their strength has increased significantly, which is helpful for our future plans," Zhu Hui spoke first.

"To be honest, I didn't expect us to be fighting the Mutant Beasts this soon. If the teacher's body was still okay, our chances of winning would be even higher if we waited a bit longer," the Western Emperor said regretfully.

"We can't say that. While the teacher's presence has prevented humanity from being destroyed, relying on the teacher alone is not a solution. We need to become stronger. If another Late Eighth Order appears among us humans, even if they are only at the Late Eighth Order, dealing with the Mutant Beasts will be much easier," Zhu Hui shook his head.

The Eastern Emperor's voice was low, "It's time for humanity and the Mutant Beasts to make a decisive move!"

The three Emperors were not afraid of danger. It was because of their existence that humanity had its current situation.

If the Human Emperors were all selfish people, humanity would have been doomed long ago.

Gradually, the other emperors arrived, and eventually, all the Emperors gathered together!

Ax Emperor's face looked very unpleasant when he saw Su Chen here!

Ax Emperor had not expected that there were still secrets that he did not know about. The benefits of becoming an Emperor were truly too many.

"What is the ancient ruins?" he asked directly as soon as he arrived.

Not only him, but the other three newly appointed Emperors were also curious.

Zhu Hui explained the ancient ruins briefly as a representative and said, "The situation is that the ancient ruins have undergone some unknown changes and can't be entered. My proposal is that we concentrate the power of all the Emperors and see if we can force our way in."

Zhu Hui's proposal was straightforward: use their formidable power to force their way in. If they couldn't get in, then they could leave with peace of mind, but if they could get in, they might discover something.

"Emperor Ming, isn't this too reckless? We don't know what's inside the ancient ruins, and even you don't know much about it. What if we trigger some mechanism inside?" Emperor Yu thought they should plan carefully.

As they were discussing, an invisible energy wave flew rapidly towards them from a distance.

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