Published at 28th of June 2024 05:59:17 AM

Chapter 27: Exploration of the Base City

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Chapter 27: Exploration of the Base City

Leng Yuwei and his team walked for several hundred kilometers, taking half a month to finally arrive near the city of Wangchang.

Before the Apocalypse, several hundred kilometers was not a big deal, and one could quickly arrive with a car. However, now with Mutant Beasts everywhere, their walking speed was greatly reduced.

However, their strength had also made significant progress on the way, with each person advancing by a small level, and not far from the next level.

They were able to make such rapid progress partly due to facing various crises, and partly due to the various energy crystals left by Su Chen, without which their talents would not have been enough.

"So this is Wangchang City. It's the first time I've seen a real base city. It's really big," exclaimed Luo Hang.

In front of them appeared a city surrounded by a huge wall, with a wall height of fifty meters and a wall thickness of no less than ten meters. The surface of the wall was covered with a layer of metal, indicating a strong defense.

At the entrance of the base city, many people were queuing up to enter.

To enter the base city, one needed to go through a check to prevent people from sneaking into the city.

Once discovered, these people would be severely punished, but even so, some people still took the risk, as entering the base city would guarantee their livelihood.

The base city would provide enough food for basic needs for every ordinary person every day. If they were willing to work, they would receive more food. Countless ordinary people wanted to enter the base city, but unfortunately, the requirements for entry were too many.nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

The most important requirement was that the base city only wanted young and strong men and women. Once they were over fifty years old and had not become Transcendent, they would be driven out of the base city.

If someone gave birth to a child, they would receive a reward from the base city.

Luo Hang had also hoped to join the base city, but after living in Gathering Place for twenty years, he had long regarded it as his home and had never left.

In fact, with his Transcendent identity, he was qualified to join the base city, but he just didn't want to.

This time, with the destruction of Gathering Place, he finally came to the base city, but they joined as spies.

The three of them walked over and queued up, waiting for about half an hour before it was their turn.

"Not bad. If they can achieve this level outside, they should be even stronger in the base city. Too bad," the middle-aged man shook his head, dismissing Lin Bo and turning to the three of them. "You can call me Instructor Wang. I am responsible for testing your true combat power. Come at me with all your skills, without using firearms."

After the battle, Instructor Wang was unscathed, while Leng Yuwei and the others were sweating profusely. They had used all their strength, but hadn't even touched the opponent's clothes. Their strength was far too weak; this was at least a third-level Transcendent, possibly even fourth-level.

"Your two strengths barely pass, only you are considered excellent," Instructor Wang said, referring to Leng Yuwei.

"These are your passes, as well as the chest badges representing your Transcendent status. From now on, you are members of the Wangchang City."

Looking at the two things in his hand, Luo Hang was a little stunned. Was it really that simple to join the base city?

"Weren't there supposed to be identity checks?" Luo Hang asked.

"Haha, your identity has been confirmed since you entered the base city. After all, Transcendents are a minority and easy to identify. You are Transcendents from Number 160 Gathering Place, right? We just received news that your Gathering Place was destroyed, probably due to a Mutant Beast riot, but we have sent people to investigate."

Everyone in the base city knew about this, except for the three of them. Instructor Wang was just explaining it to them.

The three of them looked at each other. They didn't expect the base city to have already sent people to investigate. They didn't need to bring it up themselves.

No one believed that the three of them had come from the center of the Gathering Place. Instructor Wang thought they were lucky to have been outside the Gathering Place and not encountered those Mutant Beasts. Otherwise, with their strength, how could they have escaped?

Not far from the base city, a helicopter was flying in the sky.

This was not Su Chen's armed helicopter, but belonged to the base city. It was just an ordinary helicopter with no weapons.

There were only four people on the helicopter besides the pilot.

"Qi Shao, I hope you will take care of this mission," one person flattered.

In front of this person sat a young man with a proud expression, whose identity seemed quite noble, making the other three people involuntarily shrink half a head.

"As long as you obediently follow my orders, joining the Qi family in the future will not be a problem for you."

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