Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:39 AM

Chapter 271: A Door

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Chapter 271: A Door

Su Yi and the other Five Emperors flew towards the location of the ancient ruins, with Eastern Emperor leading the way. Nobody spoke.

After flying for a hundred kilometers, Eastern Emperor stopped and pointed to a red marker below. "This is where Emperor Ming was stopped," he said.

However, no matter how they looked, they couldn't see anything in front of them. Emperor Yu stepped forward and punched the ground, creating a huge fist imprint. He looked at Eastern Emperor, confused.

Eastern Emperor thought for a moment and said, "The situation here is different from what Emperor Ming described. It seems that the energy aftermath from earlier might have leaked out from inside. There must have been some changes here, and we could encounter danger at any time if we go in. Be careful, everyone."

With that, Eastern Emperor was the first to step in. There were no obstacles, so they flew up into the air and headed directly to the location of the ruins, which was still far away.

However, as they were about to fly up, everyone's faces changed. They couldn't fly!

"Airspace is prohibited here?" Western Emperor couldn't believe it.

As far as they knew, there were very few places in the world with such prohibitions, and they, as emperors, knew that. However, there had never been any airspace restrictions around the ruins before.

Airspace restrictions had advantages and disadvantages for emperors, but overall, they had little effect on their combat power, except for the fact that they couldn't fly.

"Let's continue forward. There must be a problem ahead," Eastern Emperor said with a serious expression. If they still didn't know there was a problem, they would be foolish.Ñøv€l-B1n was the first platform to present this chapter.

They all ran quickly, and even on the ground, their speed was not slow at all.

A hundred kilometers distance didn't take them much time.

When they arrived at the location of the ruins, they stopped and looked at each other strangely.

They saw... a door!

Yes, a solitary door stood upright in front of them. Eastern Emperor looked around and saw that there was nothing behind the door.

Su Yi immediately reported the situation to Su Chen. Su Chen was also speechless. How could a door appear at the ruins? Did it lead to the inside of the ruins?

Emperor Kong walked over and opened the door without hesitation. This time, they found that the scene behind the door had changed to another location.

It was an ordinary village, and the others didn't know where it was, but Emperor Kong knew that it was the village where he had lived before becoming Transcendent.

Before becoming a Transcendent, he was just an ordinary person, a peasant who didn't know much about many things.

But then the Apocalypse arrived, and everything changed.

He saw with his own eyes his relatives and friends turn into Mutants. His parents died protecting him from the Mutants. It was at that moment that he was stimulated and became a Transcendent.

Everyone saw a fierce-eyed teenager wielding a kitchen knife and cutting off a Mutant's neck.

Emperor Kong's expression changed when he saw the Mutant that had been killed. It looked like his father, but he hadn't done it himself!


Emperor Kong slammed the door shut and gasped for breath. The scene had made him very uncomfortable.

The other Emperors tested the door one by one, and finally only Golden Emperor and Su Yi were left.

When Golden Emperor opened the door, the other Emperors were surprised to see that the scene behind the door was a base, with an ordinary-looking young man in black walking among the crowd with nothing special about him.

Only Golden Emperor, the second spy, knew that this was the scene he had seen when he infiltrated the Golden Light City. It was unexpected that this door would show even this.

The only fortunate thing was that no one realized that Golden Emperor was no longer the same as before.

After just a glance, Golden Emperor closed the door calmly.

Finally, it was Su Yi's turn.

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