Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:38 AM

Chapter 272: The Impostor Commander!

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Chapter 272: The Impostor Commander!

Su Yi walked over and opened the door. Suddenly, everyone saw a familiar figure. Wasn't that Su Chen?The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

Yes, Su Chen appeared behind the door, but he was different from what they remembered. He seemed gloomy and had a cold and forbidding gaze that gave off an air of danger.

In front of Su Chen were many soldiers kneeling, and Su Yi could see that he was among the first row.

"Last time the mission failed, what should be your punishment?" Su Chen asked in a cold tone.

No one answered, and Su Chen became angry and pointed at a soldier. "Su Yi, it was your responsibility for the mission, so as punishment for failure, you shall die."

The other Emperors were surprised. Was Su Chen really this kind of person who would kill his own subordinates at the slightest mistake?

But then they realized that the situation behind the door might have been distorted, so Su Chen's behavior was not surprising.

Su Yi remained silent and bowed his head. This angered Su Chen, who roared, "Kill him!"

Soldiers around them aimed their weapons at Su Yi and were ready to shoot. However, Su Yi did something unexpected. He walked straight through the door and said, "You're not the real Commander!"

Emperor Kong was shocked and ordered to pull him out. But by the time they rushed over, Su Yi had disappeared through the door. However, the scene behind the door remained, and they saw Su Yi, who had been kneeling, stand up and look at Su Chen with anger.

"Su Yi, what did you say?" Su Chen was furious and ordered his soldiers to kill him.

The soldiers fired their bullets, but they were all ineffective against Su Yi. Seeing this, Su Chen was shocked and asked, "How can you resist bullets without any armor?"

Su Yi shook his head and said, "The real Commander would never overreact to a small matter like you did. Moreover, the real Commander would never treat his subordinates this way. You're an impostor!"

"Am I an impostor? Su Yi, you have a lot of guts. Have you forgotten how you were created?" Su Chen's expression was distorted.

Of course, Su Yi knew how he was created, but what did that matter?

On this side of the door, they noticed that Su Yi had disappeared. After the door closed automatically, they realized that he might have entered the relic.

"Could it be that the scene just now was a kind of trial, and only those who pass can enter the relic?" Eastern Emperor guessed. They had experienced that kind of scene before, so it wasn't strange to make this guess.

"Definitely, but this kind of test is really not something ordinary people can pass." Western Emperor sighed.

They all noticed that the scene of each person's birth seemed to be the thing they least wanted to encounter or see, which meant that it was their weakness.

They guessed the truth of the matter and didn't rush to enter. Instead, they went back and told the people behind them, discussing what to do.

If they went in and couldn't come out in a short time, once the Mutant Beasts launched a major attack, humans would be finished.

After a while, they revealed the situation, and everyone was deep in thought.

"Let's vote to decide whether we should go in." Zhu Hui couldn't decide on this matter and could only make a decision through voting.

As a result, most of the Emperors chose to go in. As Emperors, there weren't many places that could make them feel danger, and the relic was one of them, which meant there was something inside that could improve their strength.

Which Emperor wouldn't want to become stronger? If they could be as powerful as the South Emperor, humans would have turned the tables on the Mutant Beasts a long time ago.

"Since we've decided, let's set off. But we still need to leave four Emperors behind. Who wants to stay?" Zhu Hui looked at the others.

No one answered. This was a rare opportunity, and no one wanted to miss it.

"Well, then we'll draw lots?"

The first one excluded from the draw was the South Emperor. He absolutely couldn't go in. The second one was Su Chen. In the eyes of the others, he wasn't even an Emperor, and going in would mean looking for death. That left only eight people.

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