Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:26 AM

Chapter 281: They're All Movie Stars!

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Chapter 281: They're All Movie Stars!

Just as all the Mutant Beasts were preparing to clear the dolphins and Giant Squids from the river, a huge wave suddenly appeared, followed by an unparalleled giant figure, towering up to a hundred meters high and blocking out the sky.

The many oceanic Mutant Beasts looked over, their faces changing drastically. This height and aura represented the king of the ocean!

"Greetings to the great king!" All the oceanic Mutant Beasts dared not move, and respectfully shouted towards the towering figure.

Even the oceanic Mutant Beasts who were in the midst of fighting humans stopped their battles. This was respect for the king.


A Red Alert soldier just happened to shoot through the body of a Mutant Beast, causing it to drop from the side of the warship. The Mutant Beast's eyes stared at the soldier, seemingly questioning why it was being killed at this time.

The Red Alert soldier had no expression on his face and continued shooting at the Mutant Beasts below.

The Seventh Order Mutant Beasts were anxious in their hearts. They dared not move, but humans would not hesitate. If they continued like this, more of them would die.

Looking up, it saw something strange. It had never seen this king before.

But then it thought, the ocean was so vast, it was not surprising that a newly born king was unknown.

"Your Majesty, humans are attacking our brethren. Should we show them what we're made of?" the Seventh Order Mutant Beast asked.

"No need to hurry, all units stay put." A grand voice resounded, and the oceanic Mutant Beasts dared not move even more.

Dying at the hands of humans was one thing, but disobeying the king's orders would be even worse.

When this figure appeared, Su Chen's mouth twitched, because he never expected that the Giant Squid would become like this.

The previous Giant Squid, apart from its larger size, was no different from an octopus. But now, the Giant Squid, besides having an appearance similar to an octopus, did not look like one at all.

Have you ever seen a completely black Giant Squid?

It was precisely because of this that the oceanic Mutant Beasts did not associate this king with the traitorous Giant Squid.

"Human, stop attacking, or these warships will become scrap at the bottom of the river!" the Giant Squid shouted in the direction of the warships. This shout made the oceanic Mutant Beasts excited. With the king present, their actions were stable!

Not obeying the Commander's orders could result in being beaten half to death or executed on the spot, and no one dared to object!

Human law during war was so strict that it was harsh, but it was precisely because of such harsh laws that humans could survive to this day.

"I...I was wrong." The person surrendered.

The Celestial Armors retracted their giant sword and flew into the sky. The person sat down on the ground, his face full of fear.

Su Chen didn't care about these small matters. He sat in his chair and his voice spread to the surrounding area, "Oceanic King, do you have something to say?"

"Human, you are the Commander this time, let these warships move away, or else..." Giant Squid said as it extended a huge tentacle and hit the shore, creating a crack several tens of meters long and letting river water flow in, creating a small river.

"Oh, are you trying to use force to coerce me? Don't think that I don't have a King on my side and that I'll be afraid of you!" Su Chen pretended to be angry and shouted.

"Stubborn!" Giant Squid sneered, and then shouted to the oceanic Mutant Beasts behind it, "All Mutant Beasts of Seventh Order and above, come over here!"

When the King spoke, who dared not to obey?

Even though a King had instructed them before they came not to expose all of their Seventh Order Mutant Beasts, it was now in front of a real King. Who would dare to talk back?

Soon, at least 20 Seventh Order Mutant Beasts emerged from the back, one by one.

These were all the Seventh Order Mutant Beasts that were part of the oceanic Mutant Beasts' vanguard, hiding among the rest and impossible to find.

No one knew that a strange smile appeared on Su Chen's lips.

"Your Majesty, shall we break through the human defense line directly?" A Seventh Order Mutant Beast was very excited. This was the first time it had been in such close contact with a King, which was very lucky for it.

"No need,"

"Why not?!" all the Seventh Order Mutant Beasts were stunned.

The next second, they knew why. Countless cannonballs rained down from the sky, including two large torpedoes!

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