Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:25 AM

Chapter 282: Not Worth a Single Blow

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Chapter 282: Not Worth a Single Blow

When the Seventh Order Mutant Beasts died, they never imagined that the king they had always revered was merely one of Su Chen's subordinates.

From beginning to end, this was all just a show. They were all extras, and once the play was over, the extras were no longer needed.

However, in this case, leaving the stage meant death!

The death of all the Seventh Order Mutant Beasts caused great chaos among the other oceanic Mutant Beasts, who were all under their command. With their leader dead, they were thrown into a state of panic.

After the explosion, even their king had disappeared. Did that mean their king had also been killed in the blast?

Thankfully, System did not restrict Su Chen from using powers above the eighth order. Otherwise, the Giant Squid would not have been able to make an appearance. Without the help of the Giant Squid, Su Chen would have had no choice but to employ a brute force method to kill all of the oceanic Mutant Beasts in order to find the Seventh Order Mutant Beasts.

Organized and unorganized are two very different things. If Su Chen and the oceanic Mutant Beasts had clashed head-on while under the control of the Seventh Order Mutant Beasts, they may not have been able to kill all the Mutant Beasts before losing all their ships.

Su Chen used facts to show everyone the consequences of lacking the Seventh Order Mutant Beasts.

Not worth a single blow!

The oceanic Mutant Beasts had acquired intelligence and began to have various thoughts. Previously, they had been suppressed by the Seventh Order Mutant Beasts and dared not act out. But now that the Seventh Order Mutant Beasts were dead and their king was nowhere to be seen, some wanted to escape while others wanted to charge forward. The resulting chaos caused them to become easy targets.

Su Chen was quite satisfied with the situation. With so many Mutant Beasts, he was able to gain a lot of energy, at least several tens of millions worth, replenishing the energy he had lost.

Most importantly, the deaths of so many Mutant Beasts were a harsh warning to the oceanic Mutant Beasts. They probably wouldn't dare to cause trouble for humanity in the short term.

The scene here was transmitted directly to the main force of the battle through video. When they found out that Su Chen had only used a fleet to stop millions of Mutant Beasts and even wiped them out, they were all shocked.Witness the debut of this chapter, unveiled through Ñôv€l--B1n.

"I must be blind. How is this possible?"

"Even here, we had to use most of the forces from two Base Cities just to barely hold off these Mutant Beasts, but over there, they managed to stop them easily?"

Wind Tide bit off a huge bone in its mouth, and flames appeared in its eyes, burning fiercely.

"Humanity! Humanity!!!"

This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. An Emperor transmitted the message, other Emperors were trapped, and humanity was definitely at its weakest. If a massive attack was launched now, then...

Thinking of this, Wind Tide's previous idea reappeared. However, the Eighth Order Mutant Beast soon informed Wind Tide that Lizard Dragon had appeared.

"That bastard Lizard Dragon dared to show up?" Wind Tide was furious.

"Lizard Dragon appeared at the estuary, sitting there, and now no oceanic Mutant Beast dares to enter the river. It seems that humanity wants to eat all the oceanic Mutant Beasts in the river."

Wind Tide was startled. Had humanity's strength reached this level? Did they bring out most of their forces?

But reality was a slap in the face. The Eighth Order Mutant Beast told Wind Tide that humanity only brought out the forces from two or three Base Cities to stop the Mutant Beasts. Of course, the main force was still at the Red Alert base.

The Red Alert base was well-known among the Mutant Beasts. Which high-level Mutant Beast didn't know about its existence? It was an incredible power that seemed to have suddenly emerged in the past few decades and had never been heard of before.

One Red Alert base had destroyed Wind Tide's plan. Wind Tide was almost going crazy.

"No, I have to be calm and elegant. When the big guy comes out, humanity will undoubtedly die!"

At the estuary, Lizard Dragon transformed into its true form and stood on the bank. It didn't like water. If it weren't for the Commander's order, it wouldn't even want to get close to the river.

Beside Lizard Dragon was a smaller Lizard Dragon, its child, always following behind it.

When the Base City soldiers rushed over and saw such a huge Mutant Beast, they were almost scared into firing their weapons, but they were stopped by the Controllers.

They knew that the Lizard Dragon in front of them was no longer the Eighth Order Mutant Beast it used to be. It was now just one of Su Chen's pets.

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