Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:22 AM

Chapter 284: Traitors, Go to Hell!

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Chapter 284: Traitors, Go to Hell!

Commander Su Chen of the Red Alert base is a name that is well-known by now.

If anyone doesn't know who Su Chen is, they would surely be looked down upon, as their daily lives now revolve around the Red Alert base.

Just take the first communication for example, it was only made possible with the Red Alert base's satellite. Without the Red Alert base, they would still be living in the age where communication was difficult.

And all kinds of weapons are made by the Red Alert base, it can be said that without the Red Alert base, they wouldn't have such a good life now.

From these aspects, if Commander Su Chen of the Red Alert base was a traitor to humanity, what would others be?

They are inferior in every way compared to him, can they not even be considered traitors?


But if Su Chen is not a traitor to humanity, his order to kill his subordinates on the river is a betrayal of humanity.

Human law stipulates that humans are not allowed to have civil wars. The initiator will be treated as a traitor to humanity.

With so many people around, and the fact that the killing was done in public by Su Chen's Celestial Armor, it was clear to countless pairs of eyes. And the driver of the Celestial Armor even said that it was Commander's order!

This means that Su Chen killed someone, and therefore Su Chen is a traitor to humanity.

For a time, there was a lot of debate on the internet about this.

Some people believed that Su Chen was innocent. It was those people from the Base Cities who were too much. Clearly, these victories were achieved by the Red Alert base and the three Base Cities, with the Red Alert base playing the main role. The other Base Cities played a role of less than 10%.

In this situation, those people from the other Base Cities still want to share the benefits, is this behavior forgivable?The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

Another group of people firmly believed that Su Chen was a traitor to humanity. Those people could have been warned, but Su Chen didn't give them the chance and killed them on the spot. Is this behavior forgivable?

About half an hour later, Emperor Kong stood up and specifically told all of humanity that those people brought it upon themselves, and that Su Chen did nothing wrong!

The human world was in an uproar!

Even the Emperor was speaking up for Su Chen, when did Su Chen become so well-connected?

Naturally, this big event reached the ears of the Base City Controllers, and they couldn't believe that the Red Alert base would dare to do such a thing.

When they wanted to use their phones, they were shocked to find that there was no signal. It was not just them, but all the people in the five Base Cities found that their phones had no signal.

Now the five Base Cities have returned to their old days.

When a person is used to a convenient life, how can they adapt to suddenly returning to the days without a phone?

Suddenly, countless people marched on the streets, asking the Controllers to apologize to the Red Alert Commander, restore communication, and bring back the Red Alert Group.

The three Base Cities that were not controlled by Su Chen were okay, but the two Base City Controllers controlled by Su Chen suddenly thought of something.

In fact, when they controlled the two Base Cities, Su Chen's super soldiers encountered the previous Controllers. The current Controllers are newcomers, and they only know some information. Otherwise, they would not have done such foolish things.

These two Controllers were a little scared, but it was too late.

"Tanya, our control over the Base Cities under us is not strong enough. Send out some Seventh Order Soldiers to watch those Controllers and don't let them do such foolish things again."

"Yes, Commander." Tanya felt ashamed because one of the Base Cities involved in the incident was one that she had handled in the past.

At this time, Emperor Kong's communication came.

"Su Chen, I will handle this matter. I hope you can show mercy to your subordinates." Emperor Kong said seriously.

He knew Su Chen's strength, with several Imperial soldiers under him. This was not an ordinary person. If Su Chen were forced to betray humanity, that would be humanity's loss.

If it weren't for his position, Emperor Kong really wanted to shout at those stupid people, "Go to hell with your betrayal!"

If Su Chen really betrayed humanity, humanity would have been doomed!

Not to mention the Red Alert base under Su Chen, just the several Imperial soldiers under his command could make humanity suffer a great deal.

"A bunch of fools!" Emperor Kong cursed to himself.

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