Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:16 AM

Chapter 288: Su Yi's New Ability!

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Chapter 288: Su Yi's New Ability!

"Emperor Ming" stood up and grabbed the hands of both Su Yi and Guangtou Qiang, preventing them from using any power.

What kind of sorcery was this?

The two couldn't understand how "Emperor Ming" had managed to prevent them, two eighth-order powerhouses, from even using their own power.

"It seems you don't quite understand," said "Emperor Ming." "As you should know, the human body is controlled by the soul. You don't know? Your level of technology is too low to observe the existence of the soul, but you should at least understand consciousness, right?"

Seeing the two nod, he continued, "The soul is the emperor, and consciousness is the subject. Generally, the emperor does not control the body actively. In most cases, it is controlled by consciousness but needs to report to the soul. I just intercepted a part of your consciousness, causing your soul to produce a misunderstanding. Your body is still under the control of consciousness, but in reality, your body is no longer under its control. It's that simple."

Su Chen had never heard of this distinction between the soul and consciousness before.

"System, he sounds like he makes sense. So is the development direction of mental technology going to be soul technology?" Su Chen asked.

"Theoretically, that's correct, but many things are not unique. Mental technology also has other developmental directions. The soul technology he mentioned is just one of them," replied the System.

Su Chen understood. It was like evolution. Before evolution, no one knew what a species would evolve into. The future was uncertain.

It sounded grand, but in reality, "Emperor Ming" was simply using his powerful soul to forcibly intercept a part of their consciousness, causing their souls to produce an illusion. In terms of true strength, "Emperor Ming" was not much stronger than the two, but in terms of soul power, they couldn't compare.

"Alright, enough small talk. You can go die now," said "Emperor Ming."

He didn't believe that these two could withstand his soul power. This was his only remaining soul power, and he had used it here.Witness the debut of this chapter, unveiled through Ñôv€l--B1n.

Earlier, when the two were able to kill two of his consciousnesses, he believed that there must be some special treasure on their bodies. He carefully looked over their bodies but found nothing special, which surprised him.

"Could this be an accident?" he couldn't help but wonder.

There was silence in the air, as if the other party was calculating. After a while, the voice replied, "According to the program, you are already the owner, but you need to complete the final verification. Little Green will follow your commands."

"Very well, then I give you my first command. From now on, your owner will be my Commander. You are not allowed to disobey orders!"

When Su Yi spoke, he naturally exuded an extraordinary aura. After all, he was a commanding Soldier, and his leadership was extraordinary. If Su Yi were not under Su Chen's command, he would definitely be able to become a commander!

Little Green was at a loss. It never expected that the new owner would give away the position of owner to someone else before taking up the position. Was this even possible?

If it had its own consciousness, it would probably think that Su Yi was foolish. Unfortunately, it was just an emotionless program. After analyzing the situation, it decided to obey Su Yi's command.

"Please have the new owner come here for identification," Little Green said.

"Very well, now send us out."

A beam of light flashed, and three figures appeared in front of the entrance to the ancient ruins.

This expedition to the ancient ruins was very successful. Not only did they obtain a seemingly powerful ancient ruin, but they also captured an old antique who had been alive for who knows how long. Even if it was just some of the knowledge he possessed, it could still be very useful.

After a while, the two returned to the base with the unconscious "Emperor Ming" and stood in front of Su Chen.

"Commander, we have fulfilled our mission."

"You did well and didn't embarrass me." Su Chen praised the two, and they were very happy to hear it. Commander's approval was the greatest reward for them.

"So, are you going to continue pretending to be dead?" Su Chen asked the unconscious "Emperor Ming."

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