Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:14 AM

Chapter 289: Death Reaper Les!

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Chapter 289: Death Reaper Les!

"Emperor Ming" lay motionless on the ground, still unconscious.

"You've achieved your goal, aren't you going to get up? Otherwise, we can't continue this performance," Su Chen said with a hint of mockery.

At this point, "Emperor Ming" realized that he had indeed been seen through by Su Chen. He stood up, without any trace of embarrassment on his face. For someone who had been alive for an unknown amount of time, what was blushing?

"How did you know I woke up?" he was puzzled. After all, he had immediately disguised himself as unconscious when he woke up.

He was confident that he had not revealed any flaws, but Su Chen had seen through his pretense in one sentence.

The reason why he pretended to be unconscious was to find out who was behind these two people.

Su Chen smiled mysteriously, without explanation. It was not something he discovered, but rather a warning from the System.

As long as any unit with hostile intent enters the vicinity of the base, the System will issue an alarm. If it was just pretending to be unconscious, it would be fine. Unfortunately, "Emperor Ming" woke up, and his pretense was immediately seen through by Su Chen.

As soon as "Emperor Ming" stood up, he found that he couldn't move his body. It was still that familiar smell, and a part of his consciousness was severed.

"He can still use my abilities?"

"Emperor Ming" was surprised. He thought Su Yi could only use it a few times at most, or there was a time limit. Now it seems that he guessed wrong.

It was unimaginable that this kind of ability would appear in a human who had undergone a second evolution.

"Can you introduce yourself?" Su Chen observed the unfamiliar Zhu Hui in front of him. Other than some dried bloodstains on his neck, there were no wounds.

In just a short time, his wound had healed. This kind of recovery speed seemed a bit exaggerated.

"Human, I am very interested in you. Let your subordinates let me go, and then submit to me. I can make you the strongest human!" "Emperor Ming" tried to persuade Su Chen, but he seemed to forget that he was the fish on the chopping board, and humans were the chefs.

Su Chen didn't say anything, just a look. Guangtou Qiang punched "Emperor Ming" in the stomach, and this punch was merciless. It hurt so much that he almost cried out.

Why is it called reckless?

When Su Chen found out that every time Les killed someone, he would leave a special mark behind that could be used to locate his position, he was speechless.

Did he really think that humans were all softies?

As expected, after Les had been reckless for a while, a human strongman found him and launched a surprise attack, leaving Les seriously injured. In the end, Les was killed by that human strongman, but his soul escaped by a stroke of luck and came to Earth.

At that time, Earth was just an ordinary planet, and humans had not yet appeared.

Les' soul fell into a deep sleep in an ancient ruin, waiting for the time to awaken. What he didn't expect was that after he woke up, he was actually caught, completely losing face for the Protoss!

Su Chen didn't know which of Les' words were true and which were false, but overall, the credibility should not be low.

After all, these things happened many years ago. Even if they were spoken, they wouldn't matter now. Su Chen didn't even know what was going on in the human star system, let alone Les, as he had not left Earth.

"You are the owner of this planet, Earth, right?" Les asked.

In his opinion, with such powerful subordinates and technology, not being the owner of the planet would not make sense.

But then he saw Su Chen shake his head: "I'm just a Commander of a faction on this planet, not an owner."

"How is that possible? Your strength is so strong, and you haven't even unified the world. Are there many people like you on this planet?" Les couldn't believe it.

"By the way, you seem to be unaware of the changes that have occurred on this planet..." Su Chen briefly explained some things about Earth, mainly because he wanted to see if Les knew anything.

Blue Meteor and Red Crystal, these two things seem to have brought about changes on Earth. Unfortunately, Yun Ru and Libra have not yet figured out what these two things are. They only know that Blue Meteor can promote the evolution of surrounding creatures, but the direction of evolution cannot be controlled.

Red Crystal can stabilize the direction of evolution, but its usage is unknown.

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