Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:12 AM

Chapter 291: Intelligent Life

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Chapter 291: Intelligent Life

Su Yi and Guangtou Qiang did not hesitate to make their move and went straight for the kill!

In that instant, Les was extremely panicked. Despite his powerful consciousness, it still relied on his physical existence. Without a body, his consciousness wouldn't last long.

"Stop! I'll talk, I'll tell you everything!" Les was sweating profusely. Su Yi's dagger and Guangtou Qiang's fist were both less than five centimeters away from his heart and forehead respectively. If he had moved even a fraction of a second slower, his head would have been gone.

These two were really prepared to kill him!

"Don't you care about the owner of this body?" Les couldn't believe it. Having taken over Zhu Hui's body, he naturally knew Zhu Hui's memories.

In Zhu Hui's memories, Su Chen and he had a fairly good relationship. He had also learned the slang earlier from Zhu Hui's memories. He never thought that it would almost cost him his life.

Su Chen's face remained calm. It was as if he hadn't just given the order to kill. He was actually taking a gamble, betting that Les wouldn't risk his life.

As an old monster who had survived for so long, he would never want to die here.

If even ants could survive, why couldn't a god race?

"If he knew that sacrificing one person, who happens to be a threat to all life on Earth, could save everyone, he would definitely agree with my decision," Su Chen said.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

Les's face looked ugly. From what he had observed in Zhu Hui's memories, Su Chen was telling the truth.

Zhu Hui was that kind of person. Les's existence was a clear threat to Earth's life, especially to humans. If Zhu Hui knew that sacrificing only one person could save everyone, he would willingly die!

This is the Human Emperor, and they carry the weight of humanity in secret.

It can be said that without the Human Emperor, there would be no humans today.

"I really don't understand you humans. Sometimes you're more afraid of death than anyone else, but other times you're not afraid to die at all. What kind of race are you?" Les said irritably.

Su Chen's lips curled up. Not only you, even humans themselves have never understood what they are.

"Well, I did learn a lot from this human named Zhu Hui. I didn't reveal it earlier, it seems that your soul techniques have reached a higher level," Su Chen said.

Su Chen had nothing to say. Ju Ling had voluntarily become his maid, so how could he push her away? As a man, how could he refuse?

So, the group added one more person to their journey.

Since Su Yi had completed all the tests and transferred the position of the owner to Su Chen, the gate there had disappeared, along with the special changes in that area.

The Emperor had ordered the blockade to be lifted, leaving only a few basic personnel to patrol from time to time. This was not a problem for Su Chen, and the three of them quickly arrived at the place where the gate had once appeared. Without waiting for Su Chen to speak, a familiar door appeared.

The door opened automatically, and there was nothing strange behind it, only a room that looked very futuristic.

"Master, Little Green has been waiting for you." The voice of the artificial intelligence came out.

Su Chen strode in, followed closely by Tanya and Ju Ling. However, as they passed through a door, Su Chen felt as if he had traveled through a world.

Suddenly, a platform rose from the ground in front of Su Chen, with a blue sphere on it.

"Please place your hand on it for identity authentication," the voice of the artificial intelligence said.

Su Chen looked around casually and said, "There won't be any traps, right?"

"Please perform identity verification, Master," the artificial intelligence repeated its previous words without answering.

Su Chen had just made a casual remark, and he didn't think that Les would set any traps here. Otherwise, when he took over Zhu Hui's body, he could have become the owner of the ancient ruins directly, without going through any procedures.

As soon as Su Chen's hand touched the blue sphere, a bright light shone, so dazzling that the eyes of the three couldn't be opened.

Suddenly, a familiar alarm sounded in Su Chen's mind, but this time, the content surprised him: "Alarm, intruding intelligent life detected. Would you like to spend 10 million energy to eliminate it or 20 million energy to capture it?"

Intelligent life?

The artificial intelligence of this ancient ruin was not just a program?

This fact surprised Su Chen. He didn't expect that Les would be outsmarted by a program he created.

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