Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:04 AM

Chapter 297: Abandoned Pawn

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Chapter 297: Abandoned Pawn

The female mutant Zhang had her mouth agape and her expression was blank. Just a moment ago, Tanya's bullet had passed by her ear and hit the wall behind her. It was only a hair's breadth away from hitting her head.

The calm approach worked well. Tanya retrieved her gun and continued to stand behind Su Chen, playing the perfect maid.

"Do you really believe everything the Emperor says?" Su Chen asked.

"Of course."

"Then why did the Emperor send you here? Do you know?"

The female mutant didn't want to answer, but she said, "Of course, to gather more intelligence on humans and report it back to the Emperor. That's my mission."

It was a cliché answer, and Su Chen wasn't surprised.

"Have you had any contact with human forces?"

"No."The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.


This time the bullet hit her left arm, causing her to scream in pain. Grey blood flowed out, emitting a strange odor.

Ordinary mutants didn't have a sense of pain, but after becoming intelligent mutants, they had it just like humans. It was a common symptom of intelligent beings.

"I told you, cooperation is best for you. If you don't cooperate..." Su Chen glanced at the gun in Tanya's hand.

The female mutant gritted her teeth and said, "Yes, I was able to enter with the help of the Zhu family. They helped me, and they have a partnership with the Emperor."

"Very well. Do you know that you've already been sold out by your Emperor?" Su Chen's face showed a strange smile.

The female mutant sneered, "Impossible. The Emperor wouldn't do that. Don't try to fool me!"

"Is that so? Do you know why I was able to find you?" Su Chen's words made the female mutant's face change.

She couldn't figure out how she had been found. Only the people of the Zhu family knew her identity, and it was impossible for anyone else to find her. Yet, she had been discovered.

If they caused trouble here, they would definitely be punished when Emperor Ming returned.

"I told you, there are no Mutant spies here. You can leave now." The Anti-Aircraft Infantry said calmly.

"We received a report from the Zhu family that you are sheltering Mutant spies. They even have evidence. If you don't let us in, don't blame me." The Seventh Order Transcendent's expression changed as he prepared to force his way in.

This was not a small matter, as it involved Mutant spies. He would rather be scolded by Emperor Ming than have Longxin City face problems.

From this, it was clear that this Transcendent was not from the Zhu family.

The loud voice reached the inside of the office, and the female Mutant finally believed that she had been tricked.

Su Chen smirked. His goal had been achieved. Now, it was time for him to make his appearance.

Just as the Seventh Order Transcendent was about to act, the office door suddenly opened.

"Who is making noise outside?"

Su Chen strode out of the office, and all the Red Alert soldiers stood on either side, saluting him.

"Respect to the Commander!"

The deafening sound and imposing aura were overwhelming!

The Seventh Order Transcendent trembled. He never expected that the Commander of the Red Alert Base would be here. No wonder these people were so adamant about not letting him in. Luckily, he didn't force his way in, or he might have angered this big shot, and not even Emperor Ming could protect him.

Although he was not aware of Su Chen's underlings having Royals, he knew that Su Chen definitely had Seventh Order Transcendents under his command.

"I didn't expect it to be Commander Su Chen. Why didn't you notify us when you came? We would have sent someone to greet you." The Seventh Order Transcendent bowed to Su Chen.

"I came here just to see how things are developing. But I heard someone say that I'm sheltering Mutant spies. Is there any truth to that?" Su Chen looked at him expressionlessly.

The Seventh Order Transcendent inwardly sighed. He wished he could kill the person who passed on the message to him. Su Chen's appearance here meant that the information was false.

You're telling me that he would shelter Mutant spies? Are you kidding me?

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