Published at 28th of June 2024 05:50:03 AM

Chapter 298: Face Slapping at the Doorstep!

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Chapter 298: Face Slapping at the Doorstep!

It was Su Chen who exposed the existence of MutantSpy. Without him, humans would never have known about it.

No one believed the rumors that Su Chen colluded with Mutants to deliberately do this. After all, Su Chen was the most powerful human, the Commander of the Red Alert base. If he betrayed humanity, would the Human Emperor still trust him?

All this flashed through the mind of the Seventh Order Transcendent, and then he smiled, "Mr. Su, someone did report this to me. I came here to verify it, but now it seems that this is purely a false accusation. Please rest assured, Mr. Su, I will handle this matter impartially."

Su Chen glanced at the Transcendent, thinking that he spoke well and could tell he was a smooth talker.

"Who told you about this?"

"The Zhu family," the Seventh Order Transcendent answered without hesitation. He was not afraid of the Zhu family being at the Seventh Order, nor was he afraid of their retaliation. He knew that the relationship between Emperor Ming and the Zhu family was not good.

The Zhu family could exist because of Emperor Ming's kindness.

"How are the inspection results here?"

"There are no problems. This is all fake news. I will announce it immediately." The Seventh Order Transcendent understood Su Chen's meaning and quickly made a statement.

A major event that could have sparked a conflict between Red Alert base and humans disappeared without a trace. People outside had been waiting for the investigation results, and finally, a Seventh Order Transcendent announced that the Red Alert group was not covering up for MutantSpy. It was all fake!

Now people could finally relax, and the Red Alert shopping center became even more popular because of this incident.

Of course, all of this was just a side note. After this incident, Su Chen took some people to a place where the Zhu family was located.

The Zhu family was the largest family in Longxin City, backed by Emperor Ming. Who would dare to oppose them?

Indeed, Emperor Ming and the Zhu family were not on good terms, but regardless of that, Emperor Ming's surname was still Zhu, and blood ties could not be avoided. Many people were cautious of this fact, and many places would make concessions to the Zhu family.

This led to the Zhu family having an arrogant attitude, and they were the biggest in Longxin City.

Zhu Shuo was the leader of the younger generation of the Zhu family, a playboy. His favorite thing to do every day was to drive his luxury car and look for beautiful women.

"Do you know Zhang Gao?" Zhu Shuo was surprised, but when he saw Su Chen's menacing gaze, he realized his situation and quickly said, "Zhang Gao works for my uncle and has been doing tasks for him."

"Good, take us to see your uncle," Su Chen said, getting into the car.

Under the threat of guns, Zhu Shuo had no choice but to agree. Although he was a Transcendent, he was only a Third Order Transcendent and had no resistance to firearms.

Soon, they arrived at the gates of the Zhu family's mansion, a large estate with a private courtyard.

"Young Master." Two Fourth Order Transcendents were guarding the entrance, and they respectfully opened the gate when they saw Zhu Shuo's car. They never imagined that their Young Master would be kidnapped.

Zhu Shuo sighed inwardly and drove into the estate. When they arrived at the villa, a butler came to open the door. Upon seeing the butler, Zhu Shuo shouted, "Butler, save me!"

The butler's expression changed, and he transformed from an ordinary old man into a powerful Transcendent. He pulled Zhu Shuo behind him, guarding against Su Chen and his team. At the same time, several other Transcendents appeared, all of whom were Zhu family bodyguards.

"Young Master, what's going on?" the butler asked.

"I don't know, they kidnapped me on the way here and said they wanted to see my uncle."

Zhu Wei Zhong, the second son of the Zhu family and known as Second Lord Zhu, was the second most important person in the Zhu family.

"What do you want?" the butler asked sternly.

Su Chen looked around calmly, as if the people around him were just a group of bystanders. "Don't you know who I am?"

The butler was taken aback. With Su Chen's words, he suddenly realized that he might be someone important. He carefully examined Su Chen and saw that he was young but carried an aura of authority. This feeling was only seen in his master.

Suddenly, the butler thought of someone. " are Commander Su Chen of the Red Alert base!" he exclaimed.

The people around them were shocked to hear this. Su Chen, the Commander, was now as influential as the Human Emperor. Red Alert base was considered the most powerful human force, and some rumors even said that there was a Red Alert base around every Base City. Red Alert had not denied these rumors, which made them even scarier.

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