Published at 28th of June 2024 05:59:11 AM

Chapter 30: The Trio Gets Scared

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Chapter 30: The Trio Gets Scared

"Is this something more advanced than the city defense cannon? But wasn't it taken out of the military base? How could it be more advanced than the city defense cannon?" Yan Fei couldn't understand. After all, the city defense cannon was only developed in the past decade, and it was very suitable for defensive battles as it could produce maximum firepower with minimal energy consumption.

Unable to understand, Yan Fei didn't continue to think about it. He knew that he just needed to gather more information and give it to Qi Shao. Other than that, it was not his concern.

Even if he knew that there was a military base here, he dared not think too much about it. This was not a place he could meddle in.

Just as Yan Fei was approaching the sentry gun, he suddenly noticed that there was something wrong with the dirt mound next to it. Upon closer inspection, he saw a gun sticking out of a small hole in the dirt mound!

Damn, this was a bunker!

Yan Fei had never seen a bunker before. Fighting Mutant Beasts without mobility would result in a very miserable death, and bunkers were not suitable for fighting Mutant Beasts. However, they were useful in fighting humans.

"Could it be that the people here knew that someone would find this place and deliberately built a bunker here?" Yan Fei thought to himself.

Yan Fei felt very cautious and was sure that he wouldn't be discovered. However, if he knew that Su Chen was enlarging his image to observe him, he didn't know what he would think.

"Well, it looks like he's experienced, but it's a pity," Su Chen commented casually.

Yan Fei was a qualified soldier with good all-around abilities, but he had met Su Chen.

Just as Yan Fei was thinking this, he heard gunshots that pierced through the trees he was hiding behind.

"Not good!" Yan Fei was shocked. He didn't have time to think about how he was exposed and immediately threw himself on the ground, avoiding the gunfire.

"It's impossible. How did they find me? Do they have an infrared detector?" Yan Fei wondered.

He didn't stay here any longer, as that would be suicidal. He didn't stand up and run away either. Instead, he crawled forward with experience. However, just as he crawled forward a short distance, he saw several pairs of feet in front of him.

He slowly raised his head and saw five Red Alert Soldiers staring coldly at him.

He smiled foolishly, "Hello."


He didn't even recognize this combat unit at first glance. What kind of unit was this?

Fortunately, the system told him that this combat unit was called the Magnetic Blast Trooper.

Su Chen was overjoyed. This was the Magnetic Blast Trooper he had been wanting to get. It was slightly different from the one in the game, and he almost didn't recognize it.

The Magnetic Blast Trooper's greatest strength was its ability to launch an undefendable magnetic wave that could crush enemies. With his level permission, he could borrow the Magnetic Blast Trooper's ability. It was simply perfect.

"Not bad. From now on, you will be my personal guard, protecting my safety."

"Yes, Commander."

The Magnetic Blast Trooper was an unexpected surprise. Without this random summon, he would have needed some time to build the Magnetic Blast Trooper. It was better to have it earlier than later.

The Magnetic Blast Trooper was like an ancient guard, always following behind Su Chen. He was very satisfied, especially since the Magnetic Blast Trooper looked more imposing with its spacesuit-like clothing. It was clear that it had a high level of prestige.

Su Chen arrived at an empty space. "Build an airfield and a war factory."

"The airfield requires one hour, and the war factory requires four hours. Please wait, Commander."

In just one day, he would be able to see these two buildings.

Just then, Su Chen suddenly realized that the Magnetic Blast Trooper and the Magnetic Reactor seemed to complement each other. Since he still needed to build a new power plant, he decided to choose the Magnetic Reactor for this power plant.

These three buildings reduced Su Chen's total energy by a lot, but he didn't mind. By the time the army from the base city arrived, his tank unit would probably be ready.

On the other side, Qi Shao's helicopter finally arrived at the base city after several hours.

He didn't waste any time and went straight to the Qi family, finding his father, Qi Haotian, the current head of the Qi family.

"Jiang'er, why did you come back in such a hurry? Is there something you need to tell me?" Qi Haotian calmly looked at his son, Qi Jiang.

He was somewhat satisfied with his son, who knew how to disguise himself outside. It was unlikely that anyone would suspect that his useless son was actually his most valued one.Ñøv€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

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