Published at 28th of June 2024 05:49:55 AM

Chapter 303: Let's Make a Deal

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Chapter 303: Let's Make a Deal

Chen quietly left Longxin City, leaving everything to Deputy to handle unless something emerged he couldn't deal with.

Upon returning to the main base, Chen directly went to a special room.

Why special?

The room was made of a special alloy capable of withstanding attacks from Seventh Order strongmen, something even Chen had little of.

The room was fully furnished and housed only two people, one was Su Yi and the other was naturally Les.

These past few days, under Su Yi's supervision, Les made no delay, constantly engraving the Protoss mental techniques.

"Hey there busy bee," Chen teased.

Les glanced at Chen and continued working, making it clear he didn't want to humor Chen.

Chen chuckled inwardly, actually getting an attitude now.

If not for cousin, Chen would have gotten rid of this guy long ago, being Protoss who knew what tricks he had up his sleeve, Chen had kept a close watch on him.

"Want to go out and get some fresh air?" Chen sat down and said casually.

Les's expression changed and finally spoke: "You'll let me go out?"

Les knew his current status was that of a prisoner, he hadn't made any requests, he was very clear Chen would not agree.

Chen unexpectedly took the initiative to propose it, Les felt like an opportunity had arisen.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

"Why not? Just going out for a stroll, there's nothing wrong with that, unless you don't want to go out..."

Les interrupted Chen's words eagerly: "I've wanted to go out for a long time, been stuck in the ship for countless years, barely awake only to be here for days, I'm going crazy."

"Let's make a deal, as long as you wholeheartedly bring out the Protoss technology, I can reasonably fulfill some of your small requests, of course as long as there are no traps in the techniques. If I find out you're messing around in the technology, I'm sorry you'll stay here for life."

Chen knew one-sided oppression wasn't the way, sooner or later Les would harbor resentment, like arbitrarily changing a parameter in a technique, then the created things could possibly harm Chen's people.

Host, the System recommends you get some rest. Anything is possible in dreams."

Chen Su ignored the System's words, carefully studying the various units that the two of them had taken out. Yun Ru mainly researched nuclear weapons and electromagnetic technology, while Libra still researched psychic techniques but focused on different points than Yuri.

These two units could both supplement Chen Su's current combat strength, making him increasingly look forward to the future appearance of super soldier units.

Speaking of super soldier units, he noticed that no new super soldier units had appeared for some time now, so he decided to try a new method: using Soldier constructions to randomly generate super soldier units.

The super soldier units created in this way were very likely to generate unknown civilian versions of super soldier units, like Ju Ling and Guangtou Qiang.

"Create 500 Soldiers first."

Using energy to eliminate construction time, 500 Soldiers quickly appeared, but the System did not prompt, indicating failed construction.

Chen Su remained calm. As an African, when would he illegally immigrate to Europe? At this moment, he needed...

"European Emperor's Luck!"

Instantly, Chen Su did a three shot burst, accompanied by the System's voice: "Congratulations Master, you have created a super soldier unit. You can go directly to the barracks."

Without letting the System finish speaking, Chen Su arrived at the barracks entrance. Having seen so many statues of himself, Chen Su was no longer embarrassed. This time, his eyes were not on his own statue, but on the door of the barracks.

A young man in a military uniform very familiar to Chen Su walked out in standard steps, movements very precise.

"Li Shaolong reports to the Commander!"

As expected, it was another new civilian version of a super soldier unit. Chen Su also knew that this super soldier unit must be related to some country from his previous world.

After all, this uniform was too familiar.

"Yes, tell me, do you still have the technology of your faction in your mind?" Chen Su asked eagerly.

"In response to the Commander's words, all technologies are fully present!" (To be continued)

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