Published at 28th of June 2024 05:49:52 AM

Chapter 305: The Reckless Streamer

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Chapter 305: The Reckless Streamer

The operations of the Red Alert base were quite secretive, but they couldn't escape the idle minds of people. Ever since Su Chen's live streaming app appeared, some people harbored a desire to become streamers.

Ordinary content was clearly insufficient to satisfy people's current demands, so some set their sights on going outside.

Even in the cold winter, some people couldn't resist their reckless ambitions.

Wang Zhao was one such individual. After becoming a streamer, the first thing he thought of was streaming from outside. Ordinary streams couldn't attract viewers, so he came up with an idea.

That idea was to stream from Hujian City!

Yes, that very same Hujian City that had been breached by Mutant Beasts.

To reach there smoothly, he set out a week in advance. The journey was arduous, and finally, he arrived about 10 kilometers away from Hujian City.

He knew that going further would mean encountering Mutant Beasts, which was dangerous. At this location, he could barely see the shadows of Hujian City.

He decisively opened the live streaming app and started the broadcast.

"Hello, everyone. I'm sure no one can guess where I am right now," Wang Zhao's face displayed a faint smile.The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

Unfortunately, as soon as he spoke, only a few scattered bullet comments appeared above, a pitifully low amount.

There was nothing he could do; as a new streamer, his number of followers was too few, only a little over a hundred, and most of them were watching other streams. He only had five true die-hard fans.

Among them, three were his family members.

"Isn't that Brother Zhao? Why are you out in the wild? It's cold outside; dress warmly," a thoughtful comment came, likely from his younger cousin.

"Oh, wait, the Base City behind you looks a bit familiar," said the only true fan, Right Hand Love.

He always wanted to criticize this username; wasn't Left Hand Love good enough? Why did it have to be Right Hand?

"Not bad, Brother Right Hand, you have sharp eyes. You all know I'm in Lumu City, but can you recognize the Base City behind me? Is it Lumu City?" Wang Zhao had a smug expression on his face.

Lumu City was the nearest 3rd-grade Base City to Hujian City. People who escaped from Hujian City had entered this Base City.

"Oh no, is the streamer a newbie? Has he never fought before?"

"I bet fifty cents that the streamer is done for. That Mutant Beast is at least a 2nd-order, and with the streamer's 2nd-order Transcendent strength and being a newbie, he's definitely done for."

"The streamer is in danger; call for help quickly."

"Put down your phone. The streamer is done for. Hujian City's outskirts have no one around. Who can save him?"

Just as everyone, including Wang Zhao himself, thought he was finished, suddenly, a gunshot rang out.

The Mutant Beast that was about to pounce on Wang Zhao fell down straight with a bullet hole in its head.

Wang Zhao clearly saw the bullet hole on the Mutant Beast's head; it was from a sniper rifle!

"Captain, there's someone here." Shortly after, Wang Zhao heard a voice. Turning around, he saw a group of soldiers in combat gear, staring at him.

"Irrelevant people, leave immediately," the person addressed as Captain furrowed his brows.

Soon, two people came forward and stood in front of Wang Zhao, clearly indicating for him to leave.

"Wait, who are you, and why are you here?" Wang Zhao asked in surprise.

This question was not only on Wang Zhao's mind, but also on the minds of the viewers in the live stream.

This was the outskirts of Hujian City, where no one would come. How could there be a well-equipped group of soldiers here?


Two guns were directly pointed at Wang Zhao's head, and he instantly fell silent. He could tell that these people were serious; he didn't want to die so young.

With guns still pointed at him, Wang Zhao was led a good distance away before the two soldiers left. But before they did, they left him with a message.

"If you want to live, leave here immediately."

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