Published at 28th of June 2024 05:49:48 AM

Chapter 308: This is Humans' Territory!

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Chapter 308: This is Humans' Territory!

Xu Ya had no idea that Humans had undergone significant changes. When Hujian City was destroyed, Su Chen had not yet made large-scale changes to Humans.

But after the destruction of Hujian City, Humans received help from the Red Alert base. Communication became more convenient, and even weapons could be purchased from Red Flag. They had Red Alert snacks to eat, and could hire Beastmen from the Red Alert security company when going out. It could be said that Red Alert's resources were present everywhere in Humans.

Xu Ya was completely unaware of this. Her thoughts were still stuck a few months ago when communication between the various Base Cities of Humans was very difficult, and it was almost impossible to travel to the surrounding Base Cities.

Even with her fifth-order Transcendent strength, she dared not speak such words.

She saw some muscular Giants tearing apart Mutant Beasts with violent and bloody movements. Some soldiers in combat uniforms kept firing their guns at the front, forming a dense barrage that eliminated all the Mutant Beasts in sight.

Even if some Mutant Beasts managed to break through this layer, the bullets that flew from behind directly shattered their heads. Xu Ya was surprised to see that there was a green area around the heads of the Mutant Beasts that were hit, and any Mutant Beast that passed through it became weak and feeble, as if drained.

Some Mutant Beasts also had flames erupting from their bodies. What was this?

Xu Ya was stunned, while Little Zhao only vaguely saw a few things and was not as clear as Xu Ya.The original appearance of this chapter can be found at Ñøv€lß1n.

"Xu Jie, what did you see?" Little Zhao was very curious. In his eyes, Xu Ya was someone who wouldn't change her expression easily. But just now, Xu Ya had changed her expression countless times.

Xu Ya shook her head and smiled bitterly. "I must have been mistaken. How could Humans have so many powerful Transcendents and weapons? Unless they have gathered the elites of dozens of Base Cities to have such combat power."

Xu Ya had just realized that even the weakest combat strength of those soldiers was at the peak of the fourth-order, and there were also many fifth-order Sixth Order ones. It was terrifying.

It should be noted that even in a first-level Base City, a fifth-order was considered mid-level.

While Xu Ya was thinking this way, she and Little Zhao saw three dark shadows appear in the field. These were the three seventh-order Mutant Beasts left to maintain order in Hujian City.

Meanwhile, Wang Zhao's live broadcast room became popular as they saw Red Alert base recapture Hujian City, and now there were three seventh-order Transcendents!

Although they couldn't compare to the last time, they did not see the Red Alert base dispatching eighth-order emperors this time. This meant that they had to rely on their current combat power to deal with three seventh-order Mutant Beasts. Could they do it?

They didn't know that Yuri was also an eighth-order powerhouse, or they would have known they were worrying for nothing.

However, this time, Yuri did not intend to act. Three seventh-order Mutant Beasts were not worth his effort.

The remaining two Seventh Order Mutant Beasts soon died at the hands of Beastmen and War Bears. Without the Seventh Order Mutant Beasts, the remaining Mutant Beasts were just a matter of time.

Finally, the Eight Order Mutant Beasts found out about this massive Human operation, and they were furious.

"Humans, get out of Hujian City! This is our territory!" An Eight Order Mutant Beast approached Hujian City and roared from a distance.

"This is Human territory, and we won't tolerate any invasion!" A larger voice sounded and carried far.

Many people realized that this was Emperor Kong's voice, even though they didn't see him. Where did his voice come from?

Of course, it was amplified using speakers.

Yuri's principle was that actions speak louder than words, and the speakers were Su Chen's request.

With Emperor Ming absent, Emperor Kong temporarily took his place. His words almost represented all Human Emperors, and his words carried more weight than Su Chen's.

Sure enough, upon hearing Emperor Kong's words, the Eight Order Mutant Beast stopped. It was afraid that this was a trap to get to it.

After all, it was only 8th Order Early-Term, and it couldn't compare to Emperor Kong, who was 8th Order Mid-Term. If it went there, it would just die in vain.

"Emperor Kong, you'd better send your people back, or you're going to anger all of us Eight Order Mutant Beasts!"

Emperor Kong laughed, "Am I not angering you enough? If you've got the guts, come and fight. If you don't, then get lost!"

Emperor Kong's words were still as fiery as ever. Humans knew Emperor Kong's temperament, and no one was surprised. They just felt their blood boiling.

It was precisely because of these Human Emperors' leadership that Humans were generally a group of passionate young people who never feared battle. They just didn't want to die in vain.

The Eight Order Mutant Beast was so angry that it was almost dead, but it could only take a distant look at Hujian City and run away.

Without the trouble of the Eight Order Mutant Beast, it took less than three hours for Hujian City to return! (To be continued)

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