Published at 28th of June 2024 05:59:10 AM

Chapter 31: Temptation of the Military Base

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Chapter 31: Temptation of the Military Base

"Father, this time I accepted a B-level mission to investigate the reason for the destruction of the Gathering Place. I made an important discovery, and this discovery is a huge opportunity for our Qi family..." Qi Jiang showed a confident smile and said, "This opportunity may make our Qi family the first family in Wangchang City!"


Qi Haotian's right hand trembled and he failed to hold the teacup on the table. He looked at Qi Jiang with a hint of shock in his eyes.

What kind of opportunity could make Qi family the first family?

"Jiang'er, you can't speak recklessly. Tell me everything you know."

"Yes, father."

Qi Jiang started from the beginning and told his father everything he knew.

After listening, Qi Haotian's expression changed constantly. This news was too important for him.

If there really was a Military Base as his son described, it would be a huge opportunity for Qi family.

However, he also knew that this kind of thing could not be easily spread, otherwise he would not be able to monopolize it.

"I know about this. I will send the elite of our family later. You lead them to infiltrate there and directly control the Military Base. The people in the Military Base are definitely not from other families, so there is no need to hold back."

Qi Jiang was overjoyed. Only his father knew about the elite of the family, and he only knew some superficial information.

If he remembered correctly, even the weakest of the elite in the family were at the peak of the third rank, and there were many fourth rank elites, and even a fifth rank strong!

"Father, please rest assured, I will definitely take down the Military Base!" Qi Jiang was full of confidence.

Qi Haotian acted quickly. He used the ability of the Qi family to deceive others and sent the elite of the Qi family out of the city without being discovered by others.

To avoid the possibility of being discovered, they did not choose a helicopter, but drove directly to the location of the Military Base.

There were almost a thousand cars going out every day, so it did not attract attention.The initial instance of this chapter being available happened at N0v3l.Bin.

"Young Master, this mission is not difficult for us, but it may cause some damage to the Military Base. I hope you can understand." A fully armed soldier said to Qi Jiang.

This kind of situation was inevitable in battle, but he was worried that the young master did not understand. If he blamed them, they could not bear the responsibility.

"Die!" Just as one of the Transcendents pulled out a special grenade to throw into the bunker, a wave of heat hit them in the face.

It was a flamethrower!

In the game, the bunker could switch between various attack modes depending on the enemy, and in reality, it contained various weapons, with the flamethrower being a common one.

Firearms were for long-range enemies, while flamethrowers were for close-range enemies.

In an instant, the two soldiers were burned into human torches, but their physiques were too strong to die immediately. They rolled on the ground in agony, their pitiful screams echoing around them.

"Give me the rocket launcher!" Captain's face changed dramatically as he gave the order.

After receiving the command, the two soldiers behind him didn't hesitate to take out the rocket launcher and fire, completely ignoring the lives of the two soldiers in front of them.


With a loud noise, two rockets hit the bunker, and soon they saw a big hole in the bunker, looking very miserable.

They didn't believe that the people inside could survive in this situation.

Unfortunately, they underestimated the defensive power of the bunker. As long as the bunker wasn't completely destroyed, the soldiers inside wouldn't receive fatal injuries, at most just serious injuries.

Just as they were about to move forward and completely destroy the bunker, they were stunned to see the bunker visibly repairing itself at a rapid pace.

"I @#¥%..." Qi Jiang cursed on the spot. What was this? Why did a bunker that was about to be destroyed recover on its own?

What kind of technology was this?

Qi Jiang swore that he had never heard of any other base city having such advanced technology, and even Memory Metal wasn't this powerful.

Suddenly, Qi Jiang thought of a possibility. Could it be that the military base they had discovered wasn't an ordinary military base, but a military base conducting some kind of high-tech research?

At the thought of this, Qi Jiang felt his breathing become heavier. If they could get their hands on this military base, not only could the Qi family control Wangchang City, but they might even be able to extend their reach to other base cities.

However, Qi Jiang didn't know that this was just the repair function of Red Alert.

Before the unit was completely destroyed, a certain amount of energy could be paid to perform repairs.

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