Published at 28th of June 2024 05:49:46 AM

Chapter 310: Rebuilding Base City

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Chapter 310: Rebuilding Base City

Xu Ya's name was quite well-known among the survivors in Hujian City. If it weren't for the high risk of going elsewhere, many people would probably be willing to join Xu Ya's side.

They had never heard of Xu Ya doing anything bad to her subordinates, but some people recognized the woman who spoke up as Xu Ya's subordinate. What was going on?

The cold gaze of the Red Alert Soldier fell on the woman who spoke, and he said in a low voice, "Can you guarantee that everything you say is true? If there is even a hint of falsehood, you will bear the corresponding responsibility."

In Human law, accusing others can have serious consequences, especially if someone is accused of causing the death of a Base City resident. Once proven, this crime is enough to warrant the death penalty for the accuser!

The woman's expression was firm. "I can swear that it's true!"

"Very well. Tell me, what evidence is there to prove that she killed people in Hujian City?"nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

The woman sneered and looked at Xu Ya. "The evidence is on her! Everyone should know about the existence of Beast slaves. Xu Ya is a Beast slave, a high-level one at that. Every Beast slave has a very special mark on their body, which is invisible under normal circumstances but appears under high temperatures. I have seen her back before, and there is a Beast slave mark on it!"

Not many people knew about this, as the existence of Beast slaves had nothing to do with most people. But some people who knew about it came forward to testify that what the woman said was true.

Xu Ya's face changed. It was true that there was a mark on her back that she couldn't explain. She was afraid that no one would believe her even if she explained it.

But at this point, she had no choice but to speak up.

"There is indeed a mark on my back, and I was indeed a Beast slave. But I did not betray Humans. I was an undercover agent." Xu Ya spoke slowly.

She had buried this matter in her heart, and even her husband and children did not know about it.

She used to belong to a special department directly under the command of the Hujian City Controller. This department infiltrated Beast slaves, and she was chosen to be an undercover agent.

"Commander, I found a Zerg."

Su Chen, who was at the main base, was shocked. A Zerg? He had destroyed the Zerg Brood; how was it possible that there were other Zergs?

After hearing Yuri's explanation, he breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be a tiny Zerg that existed inside a human female's brain.

This Zerg seemed to be only partially awakened and could only affect some of the woman's behaviors. The most critical thing was that its existence was extremely hidden, and no one else would have noticed it if not for Yuri.

"Temporarily control the woman and see if we can remove the Zerg," Yuri suggested as he locked up both women under the guise of an investigation. Xu Ya was indeed under scrutiny, but Zhang Yan was sent to the main base overnight to undergo various tests.

Su Chen went to see for himself and discovered a small Zerg, the size of a grain of rice, in the woman's brain. If this Zerg did not possess the power of Seventh Order, he would have mistaken it for a parasite.

"It's unbelievable that a Seventh Order Zerg can be so small. Since there's one, there may be others. We must not let the Zerg take root on earth," Su Chen said coldly.

The situation on Earth was complicated, with Humans, Mutants, and Mutant Beasts vying for power. Of the three, Humans were the weakest. If another Zerg appeared, it would only make matters worse.

Su Chen was searching for a way to remove the Zerg while the reconstruction of Hujian City had begun.

Those who had originally belonged to Hujian City had returned to their own Base Cities, and neighboring Base Cities had sent manpower and tools to assist with the reconstruction. For a while, Hujian City became lively again.

Those who had committed crimes in Hujian City were either sentenced to death or sent to the four major battle lines. The most talked-about place was the Red Alert Base, which was essential to Hujian City's recovery.

In just a month, the city walls of Hujian City had been rebuilt, and uninhabitable buildings had been demolished and rebuilt. Buildings that were still habitable received a little decoration and continued to house people.

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