Published at 28th of June 2024 05:49:35 AM

Chapter 317: Crisp and the Taste of Wolf Meat

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Chapter 317: Crisp and the Taste of Wolf Meat

This battle could be Humans' final fight, so King decided, through an agreement, to broadcast the entire battle live!

Naturally, since the battlefield is divided into four locations, there are four live streams, and those living inside have the option to selectively watch these broadcasts.

Everyone is watching these live streams, praying in their hearts that Humans can defeat the Mutant Beasts; otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable.

"Look, that's our Base City's Controller, he's amazing, taking on two Seventh Order Mutant Beasts by himself." Someone from Base City pointed at the live stream, excitedly shouting to the people around them.

"Just now, I saw my cousin. He killed a Fifth Order Mutant Beast. I want to become as strong as him in the future!" said a young boy, his eyes full of longing.

"Mom, look, that's dad, he's so amazing!" A little girl saw her father's heroic figure on the live stream.

At this moment, the hearts of Humans are united, all hoping for the victory of Humans.

But just as there are scenes of Mutant Beasts being killed, there are naturally scenes of Mutant Beasts killing Humans.

Some people saw their acquaintances dying in the jaws of Mutant Beasts, and they let out furious roars, their eyes turning red, hoping that others would avenge their loved ones.

The protagonists of this battle are not the Kings, but the warriors fighting for Humans. There are not many scenes with King, but even a glimpse would captivate countless people, after all, they are Kings.

Observant individuals noticed something peculiar – only two Kings appeared on each frontline, an experienced one leading a newly appointed King. This accounts for eight Kings, but what about the rest?

They do not know that this is a plan devised by the Human Emperor.

The Eighth Order Mutant Beasts will certainly not let the Human Emperor go. This is a perfect opportunity. As long as they want to kill the Human Emperor, they won't miss this chance. Then, the remaining Kings will use the teleportation device in Longxin City to suddenly appear and counterattack, shocking the Eighth Order Mutant Beasts.

It is worth noting that the Eighth Order units under Su Chen's command have not been revealed yet, and no one knows where they are.

Since Su Chen has gained control of all Base Cities, his authority among all Kings is supreme.

No one can oppose his commands.

As Humans watch, suddenly they think of one thing – where is Emperor Ming?

Among the Kings guarding the four major defense lines of Humans, Emperor Ming's figure is absent. The Kings previously mentioned that Emperor Ming was on a highly secretive mission, but now, at a time when Humans' survival is at stake, why hasn't Emperor Ming appeared yet?

Observing the Red Alert troops below, it doesn't inform Dog King and directly reverts to its true form, pouncing down.

A giant wolf, a hundred meters long, descends from the sky. How terrifying!

However, to Wolf King's surprise, a person flies up from below and delivers a punch to its belly.


The giant wolf lets out a mournful howl; it's injured. The punch made it spit out a mouthful of blood.

Wolf King is greatly shocked. It didn't expect this person to be so strong – a single punch injured it, and this person is not far from the Mid-Term of the Eighth Order.

"Dog King, have you encountered this Human before?" Wolf King communicates through voice transmission.

It heard about the previous incident where Dog King joined forces with a Mutant King to stop the Red Alert troops from advancing to the oil fields, resulting in the death of the Mutant King, and Dog King's escape.

At that time, it didn't pay much attention, thinking that Dog King and the Mutant King were weak. Now, it's clear that they weren't weak; it's just that this Human is too powerful.

"I have encountered him. If it weren't for this Human begging for mercy, I would have eaten him already," Dog King dismissively replies.

Wolf King nearly had its head blown away by Dog King's bragging. It's evident that it was the one nearly dying, yet Dog King acts so cocky.

"I'm no match for him. Let's team up and eat him together!" Wolf King suggests.

"No problem."

Wolf King and Dog King charge up together, aiming to bite Boris. As Boris stands in the open space, a strange smile appears on his face.

This smile makes Wolf King feel an instant sense of abnormality, but before it can react, it feels a sharp pain in its head and then loses consciousness.


Dahua keeps gnawing on Wolf King's head – crisp and the taste of wolf meat.

"What a dumb wolf. If more of them were like this, I'd have my dinner sorted."

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