Published at 28th of June 2024 05:49:34 AM

Chapter 318: Great News!

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Chapter 318: Great News!

The Eighth Order Mutant Beast, Wind Tide, has been closely following the recent events. The respected leader of the Mutant Beasts has yet to make an appearance, but to its surprise, the Humans have launched an attack against them, which leaves Wind Tide feeling uneasy.

This Human offensive has put the Mutant Beasts at a disadvantage, but for them, it's nothing to be afraid of. Compared to their overall strength, they are not afraid of the Humans. The only reason some of the Eighth Order Mutant Beasts opposed the attack was to avoid weakening their own forces.

As an Eighth Order Mid-Term Mutant Beast, Wind Tide has no restrictions over other Eighth Order Mutant Beasts. If it had the chance, it would have already led the Mutant Beasts to annihilate the Humans. Only the respected leader has the power to unite all the Mutant Beasts.

"Respected leader, when will you come out of seclusion?" Wind Tide sighs.

Suddenly, it hears the voices of other Eighth Order Mutant Beasts with a hint of fear. "Wind Tide, something terrible has happened. The Humans are too powerful. Not only are we at a disadvantage on the battlefield, but three of our Eighth Order Mutant Beasts have been killed by them!"

"What?" Wind Tide is shocked.

Although the number of Eighth Order Mutant Beasts is greater than that of the Humans, it's not too exaggerated. Losing three of them all at once is a significant blow.

"What happened exactly?"

"It was at the Red Alert base. They attacked our Mutant Beasts from the rear, and some Eighth Order Mutant Beasts went to confront them. But they didn't expect the Eighth Order Transcendents of the Red Alert base to be so strong. They were no match at all, and the best outcome was sustaining serious injuries," says the fearful Eighth Order Mutant Beast.

Wind Tide's eyes widen, and its aura as an Eighth Order Mutant Beast erupts, blowing away everything around it. It's furious.

"Damn Humans! Cursed Humans! I knew we should have gathered all our power and eliminated them first. Otherwise, Humans would become a major threat!" Wind Tide trembles with rage.

It never anticipated that the number of powerful Eighth Order Humans had increased to such an extent that it now posed a comparable threat to the Mutant Beasts. This is terrible news for the Mutant Beasts because, among their peers, Humans' strength surpasses theirs.

In the past, the Mutant Beasts relied on their sheer numbers to wipe out the Humans entirely, but a considerable portion of the Eighth Order Mutant Beasts were unwilling to do so. Wind Tide had to give up that plan, but it never expected that the Humans would grow so strong.

The death of three Eighth Order Mutant Beasts is detrimental to their side.

"What?" Sovereign exclaims.

Eighth Order Mutant Beasts are undoubtedly Eighth Order Early-Term Mutant Beasts, and most of the Mutant Kings are also Eighth Order Early-Term. Losing three of them in one go is a massive blow.

"How many Kings did Humans lose?" Sovereign asks.


Sovereign's face darkens. He realizes Wind Tide's intention to unite their forces to confront the Humans.

If Humans were still weak, Sovereign wouldn't agree to such cooperation, but now that Humans are at their strongest, he must join forces with the Mutant Beasts. They can't allow the Humans to devour them easily.

"I agree to this. I'll contact the other Kings."

Wind Tide smiles at this outcome. As it suspected, the Mutants will undoubtedly agree. The current situation is unfavorable for all of them.

Meanwhile, at the main base, Su Chen receives a message from Spy No. 1: "Commander, Sovereign just contacted me. He's planning to join forces with the Mutant Beasts against us."

Su Chen remains calm. He knew the Mutants would never stand by idly as the Mutant Beasts face destruction.

At present, four super soldiers leading the Red Alert forces have killed many Mutant Beasts, including 90 Seventh Order Mutant Beasts and three Eighth Order Mutant Beasts, which has struck fear into the Mutant Beast ranks.

Chaos has begun to spread among the Mutant Beast group. Some Seventh Order Mutant Beasts witnessed the defeat and death of their Eighth Order counterparts, making them realize they are unable to cope.

For them, the most frightening thing is that the two Kings in the Human defense line haven't even made a move yet.

The first day of battle quickly comes to an end, and the Humans start to assess the results—an exceptionally satisfying outcome. The Humans have lost around tens of thousands of warriors but killed over ten million Mutant Beasts, including 90 Seventh Order and three Eighth Order Mutant Beasts. This victory boosts their morale!

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