Published at 28th of June 2024 05:49:31 AM

Chapter 319: The Great Fireworks

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Chapter 319: The Great Fireworks

For humans, nighttime battles bring much higher risks.

This time, the battle is crucial for the future of humanity. They must be cautious and not advance recklessly during the night.

On the first day of battle, humans pushed their territory forward by 10 kilometers, a significant step they had not taken in decades. They had never ventured this far before.

At the border, a few soldiers on patrol were excitedly chatting.

"I killed five Mutant Beasts today; I've never had such a thrilling experience before!"

"That's nothing. I killed four of them, and Captain took down nearly a hundred Mutant Beasts."

"Thank goodness we have Red Flag's weapons. With just a few bullets, we can easily handle powerful Mutant Beasts that we couldn't even face before. I heard the logistics team is exhausted from just clearing the battlefield."

"Haha, we've killed over ten million Mutant Beasts this time. All that meat is being transported to Base City. I bet the meat prices there will drop drastically."

The group was relaxed, their excitement from the daytime battle still evident on their faces.

Truth be told, the sudden counterattack by humans caught many off guard. Previously, the Human Emperor had ordered all Third Order and above Transcendents to train at the frontlines, and they thought they would have more time before actual combat began.

Human morale was currently high, but little did they know that elsewhere, the Human Emperor's expression was far from pleasant.

"We were well-prepared and still lost so many soldiers. At this rate, even if we sacrifice all our warriors, the Mutant Beasts won't be wiped out!" Emperor Kong's face darkened. Humans relied heavily on various weapons to achieve the current results, especially the Red AlertWeapons. Without them, the losses would have been much greater.Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

In front of Emperor Kong were numerous screens for another King's meeting.

Using satellites, Su Chen watched the scene of the nuclear explosion. It was truly spectacular. In terms of power, the nuclear bomb was comparable to Thunderstorm, but it appeared to have a greater deterrent effect.

"No wonder it's a Superweapon. With this mushroom cloud, several million Mutant Beasts are gone, and that area will be contaminated with severe radiation. It will become a dead zone in the future."

Regarding radiation, Red Alert Base's current technology could gradually clean it up, but they didn't have the time for that when dealing with Mutant Beasts.

Human Emperor was deeply shocked by Su Chen's methods when they saw this scene. They suspected that even if they were hit by this missile, they would likely be done for.

Humans and the Mutant Beasts' side noticed the explosion of the nuclear bomb; such a huge mushroom cloud could be seen by anyone with working eyes.

"What's going on? How can humans possess such powerful weapons?" Wind Tide was greatly surprised. It knew that humans had weapons capable of dealing with eighth-order Mutant Beasts, but those weapons were destroyed during the previous major battle. Besides, those weapons were far inferior compared to the explosion just now.

"Wind Tide, sir, we wiped out a large number of Mutant Beasts gathered 300 kilometers away on the eastern front," a Seventh Order Mutant Beast reported.

Wind Tide directly spewed out a mouthful of blood. These were its subordinates, which meant that it had suffered significant losses this time.

"Humans! I will never forgive you!" A mournful voice echoed in the area, but unfortunately, it was too far from the humans, and no one could hear it.

Before long, the Human Emperor learned that Su Chen had used a weapon called a nuclear bomb. The explosion of this weapon produced intense heat and powerful radiation. Su Chen even took the time to explain what radiation was to them.

"Sovereign, you mean radiation will harm all our Kings, and that area will be uninhabitable in the future?" Emperor Yu was frightened by Su Chen's words.

This weapon was undoubtedly powerful, but its aftermath was terrifying. (To be continued...)

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