Published at 28th of June 2024 05:49:30 AM

Chapter 320: War of Attrition

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Chapter 320: War of Attrition

"This is roughly how it is," Su Chen finally explained.

The other Kings were somewhat regretful but also relieved that Su Chen couldn't produce these Weapons temporarily. If these Weapons were widespread, even if they managed to eliminate the Mutant Beasts and Mutants, there wouldn't be many habitable places left for them.

The threat of radiation from nuclear bombs was enormous for ordinary people.

"I believe that the threat of Sovereign's nuclear bomb will frighten the Mutant Beasts. Tomorrow, we need to take advantage of this and continue our advance. We also need to ensure the supply lines are intact and avoid any disruptions," Emperor Kong said.

Su Chen's use of a nuclear bomb had a profound impact on the Kings. It was a powerful weapon that could wipe out millions of Mutant Beasts in an instant, comparable to the results achieved by Human warriors in a whole day of fighting. It was truly terrifying.

They were unaware that there were several other Superweapons with a similar level of power, especially the one Su Chen had from Red Alert, which was even more potent.

With Human Emperor's deliberate help, news of this incident quickly spread to everyone.

Suddenly, this incident became the hottest topic on the forums.

"Did you see the light last night?"

"What light? You are outdated. It was a massive mushroom cloud! I've never seen such a huge mushroom cloud before. It was terrifying!"

"Hey, let me tell you a secret. That mushroom cloud is said to be a new Weapon from the Red Alert base. It looks like an ordinary missile, but once it explodes, it can instantly destroy a Level One Base City!"

"Damn, that's insane! The Weapons from the Red Alert base are so terrifying. Fortunately, they are on our side. The Mutant Beasts must be in shock now."

Their speculations were not far from the truth. The Mutant Beasts were indeed shocked and angered by the nuclear bomb's impact.

When the mushroom cloud dissipated, Wind Tide cautiously approached the area. As it got closer, it felt a tingling sensation all over its body, which intensified as it moved further in.

In the central area, the radiation was extremely intense, causing Wind Tide to feel intense pain all over its body.

"What kind of Weapon is this? Could it be a secret Weapon developed by the Humans?" Wind Tide wondered. It had quite a few Beast slaves among the Humans, mostly scientists, but none of them had conveyed such information to it.

If it knew that Humans possessed such a terrifying Weapon, it would never have allowed its subordinates to gather together.

"Wind Tide, what's happening over there?" a voice reached its ears, coming from another Eighth Order Mid-Term Mutant Beast.

The Mutant Beasts and Mutants had formed an alliance!

Now, the pressure on Humans increased drastically, and the situation looked dire.

Human Emperor soon received this news and gritted their teeth.

"No wonder the Mutant Beasts kept sending Cannon Fodder incessantly. It turns out they've joined forces with the Mutants. They're deliberately wearing down our Human forces!"

Human Emperor naturally thought of this possibility, but they had no solution.

They had to preserve their forces and wait for the appearance of Eighth Order Mutant Beasts or Mutant Kings. If they expended their power dealing with ordinary Mutant Beasts and Mutants, they would be in danger when the time came.

For the first time, the Human's advance showed signs of retreating.

The enemy's numbers were overwhelming, and their supply of Weapons couldn't keep up with the pace.

Some of the Human warriors' faces bore expressions of frustration. They had worked hard to achieve their current position, but did it mean they would have to give it all up now?

At that moment, a series of astonishing explosions rang out. They looked up and saw the Air Force from the Red Alert base!

Naturally, the Air Force was the fastest and best-suited for support, both on land and at sea.

Su Chen had to deal with the Mutant Beasts, not only for the mission but also for his own survival.

Under a collapsed nest, where could the eggs be complete?

If Humans were destroyed, Su Chen alone couldn't withstand the pressure from the Mutant Beasts and the Mutants.

Su Chen decisively dispatched a large number of Fighter Jets, Helicopters, and even Kirov Airships. He did everything possible to defeat the Mutant Beasts!

With the help of the Air Force, the Human forces were finally able to continue their advance. The firepower of the Red Alert Weapons was not just talk. The bombs from the Kirov Airship alone were enough to deal significant damage.

Seeing that the situation was gradually turning in their favor, news reached Human Emperor's ears.

Ocean Mutant Beasts attacked a Base City!

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