Published at 28th of June 2024 05:49:21 AM

Chapter 327: Four Great Superweapons

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Chapter 327: Four Great Superweapons

"Where did the Mutant go?"

Many Mutant Beasts looked at each other, completely clueless about the situation.

Of course, they had no idea that the Mutants were scared. Even Huo Yi had died under the weapons of the humans, and they were worried they would be targeted next.

However, not all Mutants retreated. Only about half of them left, while the other half continued to aid the Mutant Beasts in attacking the humans.

Among the Mutants, there was no unity. They were divided by different Kings.

Some of the Mutant Kings were afraid that the humans would use such powerful weapons and thus recalled their Mutants, including the Mirror King impersonated by Spy Number One. But the Mutant King led by Emperor Wu still had no intention of withdrawing their Mutants.

They were well aware that humans held a significant advantage in technology, and their only disadvantage was their smaller numbers. As long as the Mutants and Mutant Beasts overwhelmed the humans with sheer quantity, the humans would undoubtedly be defeated.

However, when Emperor Wu learned that several other Mutant Kings had withdrawn their Mutants at this critical moment, he was furious.

"Mirror King, what are you doing?" Emperor Wu roared angrily from a distance.

Mirror King, impersonated by Spy Number One, remained calm. "What am I doing? Can't you see?"

"Let your people continue pressing on, killing Huo Yi's weapons won't be a problem. As long as we can wipe out the humans in a short period, we won't have to worry," said Emperor Wu.

No one knew the fear in Emperor Wu's heart. Those were weapons that even a Late Eighth Order like Huo Yi couldn't survive, let alone defeat.

The gap between Eighth Order Mid-Term and Late Eighth Order was immense.

The death of the Southern Emperor was the best thing that could have happened to Emperor Wu. It was like a heavy burden lifted off all the eighth-order powerhouses. Although he had never seen the Southern Emperor, Emperor Wu was well aware of his strength, something he couldn't compare to.

But what Emperor Wu didn't expect was Mirror King's one-word response: "Leave!"

Enraged, Emperor Wu let out a loud roar, causing a massive explosion where he stood, injuring and killing many Mutants around him. However, none of those Mutants dared to utter a word and could only kneel on the ground, waiting for Emperor Wu's anger to subside.

In the presence of a King's authority, the other Mutants were nothing.

If Emperor Wu knew that Mirror King was actually a Spy, he would probably be infuriated to the point of spitting blood.

However, some people noticed that the Lord of Kings had said to "retreat," not "withdraw." Did that imply something else?

If it was a retreat, then there would be a rear guard.

This time, the rear guard was not composed of Humans soldiers, but rather the weapons created by Humans themselves. With these steel bodies, they didn't need to use their own bodies for the rear guard.

Among them, the Red Alert Weapons took the lead.

One particularly prominent weapon was the Neural Assault Vehicle, a super-strong weapon capable of releasing psychic toxins. The key was that it could be remote-controlled, eliminating the need for someone to operate it on-site.

Just these Neural Assault Vehicles alone could create an area where no Mutant Beast dared to approach.

Behind the Neural Assault Vehicles were rows of black killers, terrifying robots that somewhat resembled enlarged spiders. These robots were major killing machines on the battlefield, their power having been demonstrated countless times.

Even a Sixth Order Mutant Beast would shed a layer of skin if they got too close to them.

There were also remote-controlled tanks, Grizzly tanks, and so on, all of them unmanned.

In terms of unmanned technology, no one's expertise could surpass that of the Red Alert Base.

The Eastern Emperor stood in the air, watching as the Human soldiers orderly retreated. He was pleased.

However, he was puzzled. Not long ago, Su Chen had informed all the Kings to order the Human soldiers to retreat at full speed, preferably to the Four Great Frontlines.

The Eastern Emperor didn't quite understand, but Su Chen didn't offer any explanation. Soon after, the Eastern Emperor finally understood Su Chen's intention. It was a move that saved the lives of all Human soldiers.

In the east, dark clouds gathered, and thunder roared.

In the west, a seemingly ordinary missile descended from the sky.

In the south, things resembling electric currents enveloped all Mutant Beasts.

In the north, invisible Psychic powers were brewing, ready to erupt. (To be continued)

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