Published at 28th of June 2024 05:49:19 AM

Chapter 328: Are Humans' Weapons Scarce?

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Chapter 328: Are Humans' Weapons Scarce?

In the Red Alert live stream, people were watching the fierce battle between Humans and Mutant Beasts. Suddenly, the live stream's scenes changed.

Originally, it was showing the battle scene, but now it split into four different views.

In one view, the clear sky suddenly turned into numerous dark clouds, accompanied by thunder, as if a storm was brewing.

In another view, a missile appeared. They found it strange to focus on a single missile; what was so interesting about it?The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñòv€l-B1n.

In the third view, it seemed to be only Mutant Beasts and Mutants, but they appeared to be dancing wildly?

Humans: "???" What on earth is this? It's the first time they've seen countless Mutant Beasts and Mutants dancing like crazy, with such coordinated movements!

In the fourth view, umm... everything seemed normal! They couldn't make out anything unusual; compared to the other views, this place appeared remarkably ordinary.

Of course, they were unaware that the invisible Psychic power was beyond their perception.


In the command room, Su Chen suddenly snapped his fingers, and instantly, all four views erupted.

The first one to erupt was the Eastern Front. The sky over the Tianshan Mountains became shrouded in dark clouds, and the area below turned dim. At that moment, lightning struck, illuminating the sky.

The lightning directly hit one of the Mutant Beasts below, instantly turning it into charred remains.

The appearance of this lightning seemed to be a trigger, as countless bolts of lightning came down from the sky, turning the area into a thunderous hell!

Everyone watching was stunned. When had they ever seen such a scene? Countless lightning bolts tearing through the sky, annihilating Mutant Beasts and Mutants one after another, regardless of their strength, all falling to a single bolt of lightning.

The Eastern Emperor was dumbfounded. He wasn't far from the Thunderstorm's range and keenly felt the energy contained within these lightning bolts. It was something he couldn't handle at all.

In other words, even an Eighth Order Mid-Term King like him would be doomed if he ventured there.

Su Chen wanted them to know that he had plenty of Weapons at his disposal and dealing with them was easy, creating an illusion.

In all honesty, if Su Chen's Superweapons could be used without limits, he could use the Psychic Controller and gene mutant to wipe out all the Mutant Beasts and Mutants on Earth completely.

Unfortunately, that was not currently possible.

Indeed, even the eighth-order Mutant Beasts and Mutant Kings were frightened. They had never expected Humans to possess so many Weapons.

"Emperor Wu, is this what you meant by Humans having scarce Weapons?" A Mutant King, having lost many underlings, angrily questioned Emperor Wu.

Emperor Wu felt wronged; how could he have known that Humans had so many Weapons? Shouldn't Weapons capable of killing eighth-order powerhouses be rare?

"How would I know? I lost many of my subordinates too!" Emperor Wu yelled.

"Don't count on me standing with you in the future. I should've learned from Mirror King." The furious Mutant King broke off contact with Emperor Wu.

Emperor Wu shouted in frustration; the house he had just moved into was destroyed again.

The Mutants retreated, and so did the Mutant Beasts. Suddenly, it seemed like Humans and the Mutants were engulfed in an eerie silence.

The Humans cheered; these four Weapons had directly suppressed the enemy's arrogance, making them ecstatic. Some wealthy individuals were so happy that they even offered a day of free stay at their hotels.

Unaware of the situation, the Human Emperor held another King's meeting, but this time, one Old Man was missing.

"Teacher and Old Zhou are gone, and now, it's only us. Humans must not be defeated!" Emperor Kong said through gritted teeth.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he watched his teacher give his all for Humans. Seeing his teacher fall in battle, unable to kill Huo Yi, filled him with burning fury. However, when he witnessed Su Chen's Weapons killing Huo Yi, he finally felt relieved, realizing that his teacher's sacrifice had not been in vain.

"Emperor Su, I don't know if it's too much to ask, but can we trade for the technology behind those four Weapons from before? I understand it's an audacious request, but we..." Just as Eastern Emperor was contemplating how to phrase his request, he heard Su Chen's voice.

"You may." (To be continued)

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