Published at 28th of June 2024 05:49:15 AM

Chapter 331: Dog King is the Dog I Raised

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Chapter 331: Dog King is the Dog I Raised

Elephant King was the first eighth-order Mutant Beast killed by the Human Emperor in a live broadcast. The massive corpse lay on the ground, causing a great shock.

Eastern Emperor was the first, but definitely not the last.

Just after Eastern Emperor's live broadcast ended, the second one to appear was Western Emperor!

Humans watched one after another, as the Human Emperor brutally beat the eighth-order Mutant Beasts, as if they were watching a movie.

A few months ago, they never imagined that the eighth-order Mutant Beasts would end up like this.

All of this was Su Chen's plan!

With the excellent functionality of the Spy satellites, as long as he could find the location of the eighth-order Mutant Beasts on the map and let the Human Emperor go there to broadcast and kill them, everything would be fine.

The deaths of the eighth-order Mutant Beasts only made the others more fearful. In the past few days, there has been an unprecedented calm on the four battlefronts.

Before this, the four battlefronts hardly ever stopped fighting. Every day was filled with continuous battles, varying only in scale.

"Wind Tide, what should we do? If this continues, one by one, we will be found and killed by the Human Emperor." One eighth-order Mutant Beast, filled with fear, found Wind Tide, the strongest among the Mutant Beasts at the moment.

But to its surprise, Wind Tide said, "Wait for the right moment."

"What moment? Do we still have a chance?" The eighth-order Mutant Beast was puzzled.

"The destruction of humans is inevitable."

After saying these words, no matter how this eighth-order Mutant Beast tried to contact Wind Tide, there was no response.

This eighth-order Mutant Beast found it strange. Wind Tide was never like this before.

No one knew that at this moment, Wind Tide was in a very dark place, surrounded by a putrid smell. If an ordinary person entered here, they would probably be poisoned to death in a second.

Wind Tide's true form was an ostrich. Unfortunately, ostriches cannot fly. It was only when it reached the eighth order that it gained the ability to fly.

"Who should we target next among the Mutant Beasts?" Emperor Kong asked during the Emperor's meeting, deciding which eighth-order Mutant Beast to deal with next.

"I think we should go after Dog King. This eighth-order Mutant Beast seems to be progressing rapidly. It became an eighth-order Mutant Beast by devouring Crocodile King, and recently, it seems to be not far from reaching the mid-term of the eighth order. It poses a significant threat." Eastern Emperor suggested.

The other Kings agreed, and Emperor Kong finally looked at Su Chen. Only with Su Chen's approval could they take action.

Su Chen himself didn't expect that they would choose Dahua. But it was normal, after all, they didn't know that Dahua was one of them.

"We can exclude Dog King."

However, Su Chen's words shocked them all. What was the situation? Why did Dog King need to be excluded? Could it be that Dog King had some connection with Emperor Su?

Su Chen knew that if he didn't explain now, they would definitely have doubts. Moreover, at this point, even if he revealed the truth, it wouldn't matter much.

"Dog King is the dog I raised."

This sentence was like a thunderbolt, leaving all the Kings dumbfounded. What did they hear?

Dog King, Emperor Su's dog?

They were shocked!

They doubted their own ears. Wasn't Dog King an eighth-order Mutant Beast? How did it become Emperor Su's dog?

Have you ever seen someone raise an eighth-order dog?

The Human Emperor suddenly realized that, in terms of style, he was far behind Emperor Su.

They didn't doubt that Su Chen was lying. After careful consideration, they realized that after Dog King became an eighth-order Mutant Beast, it seemed to have never attacked the Human frontlines. Instead, it had been causing trouble for other Mutant Beasts.

"Emperor Su, just tell us. Are there any other eighth-order Mutant Beasts left? It wouldn't be good if we accidentally harmed them." Emperor Kong smiled bitterly.

Su Chen thought for a moment and realized that there were indeed a few left. Let's not forget, there were still two fellows in the ocean. (To be continued)

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