Published at 28th of June 2024 05:49:05 AM

Chapter 337: Peak of the Eighth Order!

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Chapter 337: Peak of the Eighth Order!

For at least ten minutes, thunder rumbled continuously, yet it hadn't inflicted any harm on the Dream Shadow clan.

As the thunderclouds dispersed, the figures of the Dream Shadow clan suddenly vanished. They rushed in a single direction, and that direction was toward the humans!

After dealing with an Emperor-less Dream Shadow being, an even more powerful Dream Shadow entity emerged, something Su Chen couldn't have anticipated.

At this moment, the System issued a new task: "Trigger a side mission: Arrival of the Dream Shadow clan. The master must completely eliminate the Dream Shadow clan; otherwise, the entire Earth will be destroyed by them. Upon completion, a reward of fifty million energy points and a special buff that increases combat laboratory research efficiency by ten times for one year will be granted. The mission carries no penalty for failure and has no time limit."

Su Chen scoffed. He already knew the System's style. No penalties and no time limit might sound good, but if he failed, there wouldn't be any consequences anyway.The initial posting of this chapter occurred via Ñøv€l-B!n.

The fifty million reward was decent, but what caught Su Chen's attention was the second reward.

"Combat laboratory research efficiency increased tenfold? So, in other words, it means the time required to comprehend Protoss and Qiluo Civilization technology would be shortened by ten times?" Su Chen's eyes lit up. This was quite the prize!

The combat laboratory itself had various boosts for research projects. With the help of this special buff, he might be able to develop even more powerful weapons in a very short amount of time!

Of course, all this hinged on one condition: taking down the Dream Shadow clan.

"It's just a Ninth Order, right? I killed one before, so dealing with another shouldn't be a problem." Su Chen had a confident expression. He had used Psychic Controller to kill an enemy before, so he could use the same strategy again.

However, the System's voice interrupted his thoughts, "Friendly reminder: The Dream Shadow clan is stronger than Lance. Psychic Controller cannot kill them."

Su Chen was almost speechless. The fact that Psychic Controller couldn't kill the Dream Shadow clan was a blow, as it was his most powerful card.

Among the Superweapons, only Psychic Controller's power far exceeded the others due to the influence of Psychic technology version 4.0. But now, even Psychic Controller couldn't work, rendering it quite useless.

"If the Superweapons from Red Alert won't work, what about the ones from Red Alert 2?" Su Chen frowned.

The System remained silent. Silence meant consent, and Su Chen's mood improved a bit.

From Eighth Order Mid-Term, Late Eighth Order, all the way to the peak of the Eighth Order!

All super units had become peak Eighth Order entities!

They were all super units, and their true combat strength was no less than that of a Ninth Order Early Stage entity. Given their current state, they would be able to put up a fight against the Lance from before.

Su Chen appeared to be smiling, but inside, he felt as if his heart was bleeding.

To enhance their strength, Su Chen had expended nearly half of his energy reserves. His energy storage was at an all-time low, with less than thirty million remaining. Fortunately, his base was well-established now, requiring minimal energy expenditure.

Looking at these super units before him, Su Chen felt deeply satisfied. It would have been even more perfect if the Dream Shadow clan hadn't shown up.

"Go, intercept the enemy before they reach the human frontlines," Su Chen ordered.

If the Dream Shadow clan reached the human frontlines, the entire defense line would crumble.

The power of the Ninth Order was unimaginable for Eighth Order beings. It could be said that a Ninth Order could easily overpower a group of Eighth Order entities. Of course, this was a rough estimation; if there were extraordinary Eighth Order entities, they could still defeat a Ninth Order being.

Nine super units, including Clone Boris, piloting the fastest Celestial Armor, headed toward the location of the Dream Shadow clan.

Les wasn't driven away by Su Chen; he had stayed on purpose. He understood Su Chen's intentions: one was to show strength as a deterrent, and the other was to see if he could identify any weaknesses in the Dream Shadow clan.

Les was undoubtedly at his weakest right now, but his perspective was far from diminished. He might be able to discern something and change the course of the battle.

In the scene, the flying Dream Shadow clan member suddenly stopped. It seemed to have sensed something.

"The aura of nine peak Eighth Order entities. It seems they are after me, and this planet is quite interesting." The Dream Shadow clan member revealed a bloodthirsty grin. (To be continued)

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