Published at 28th of June 2024 05:49:03 AM

Chapter 339: Where Does the Confidence Come From?

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Chapter 339: Where Does the Confidence Come From?

Su Chen's words were quite the slap in the face, and the expressions of the five Eighth Order Transcendents changed immediately.

At this moment, no Human Emperor spoke. They were all somewhat displeased with these five Eighth Order Transcendents.

From their previous words, it was clear that these five had coordinated their actions and were attempting to extract the method for rapidly becoming peak Eighth Order experts from Su Chen. This wasn't behavior befitting Human Emperors.

Emperor Kong thought to himself that it was fortunate he had announced that only those Eighth Order Transcendents who passed the selection process could become Human Emperors. Otherwise, the reputation of the Human Emperors would eventually be tarnished by these people.

With the appearance of Ax Emperor, the reputation of the Human Emperors had already been marred. Now, these few individuals were appearing and causing further embarrassment!

Su Chen remained silent, and Emperor Kong hadn't exploded yet. Otherwise, he would have certainly made these five Transcendents understand the dignity of the Human Emperors!

"Emperor Su, we respect you as the supreme leader of Humans. Since you are the supreme leader, considering Humans' well-being should be your responsibility! Once our strength reaches the peak of the Eighth Order, we will contribute even more to Humans!" the Transcendent who had spoken initially said. His expression was as though he embodied righteousness itself.

A trace of amusement flashed in Su Chen's eyes. The performance of this Eighth Order Transcendent reminded him of a certain type of person he had seen on forums before—the kind who liked to use moral coercion.

Emperor Kong shot Su Chen a look. As long as Su Chen gave the order, even if it led to a civil war among Humans, he would capture these five Transcendents and punish them one by one!

In such a situation, they still dared to do this, which was far from normal.

Su Chen furrowed his brows, and then he had a sudden insight. He thought of a possibility.

It must be the Dream Shadow clan!

The Dream Shadow clan must have approached these five individuals and informed them of certain matters, allowing them to act so confidently. Only when they had a strong backing would they become so arrogant.

Just as Su Chen was contemplating this, his super soldiers finally arrived at the location of the Dream Shadow clan.

Nine figures descended from the sky, and the Celestial Armors brought out some equipment, starting a live broadcast.

Simultaneously, everyone discovered that their mobile broadcasting apps had spontaneously opened, revealing a live stream. The other live streams were shut down, and they all entered this sole live stream.

"What's happening? Who are these nine people? And that... damn, it's a Mutant!"

"Wait, I think I've seen that woman before. Isn't that Empress Ling?" (To be continued...)

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