Published at 28th of June 2024 05:59:06 AM

Chapter 34: Iron Mine

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Chapter 34: Iron Mine

"Commander, we have made a significant discovery here," reported the paratrooper Captain.

Su Chen clicked on the location where the paratroopers were and zoomed in. He saw the paratrooper squad standing in a canyon, guarding the area.

"What did you find?" Su Chen was intrigued. If the paratrooper Captain called it a significant discovery, it must be something valuable.

"We found a large deposit of iron ore here that has not been developed yet."

Su Chen's eyes lit up. An undeveloped iron mine was a source of endless energy for him.

His biggest shortage right now was energy, but there was a problem. The paratrooper squad was located a thousand kilometers away from him, and he couldn't build a new ore refinery there.nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

There was only one possibility: he had to build a new Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV), escort it over there, and establish a sub-base to build a new base.

Fortunately, he had obtained a core that could produce an MCV recently, so he could establish a sub-base anytime.

The only problem was that if he really established a sub-base, he could barely manage two bases. But as he built more bases in the future, how could he manage them all by himself?

The System provided a solution: "When the Commander's authority reaches level 4, there is a certain probability of producing a super unit every time a Soldier is built. The so-called super unit is stronger than a Soldier in all aspects and has a certain command ability, which can serve as the sub-Commander of the sub-base."

"Super unit? There doesn't seem to be such a thing in the game. If there is, does Tan Ya count?" Su Chen thought of Tan Ya's hot body and couldn't help but show a lewd expression.

However, the System's words mercilessly extinguished his hope: "The super unit is randomly generated and has nothing to do with the game. Please be rational, Master."

Su Chen shrugged. In this cold-hearted world, only Oreos could give him a little warmth.

But if he reached level 4 authority, he might be able to summon a super unit. It seemed that he needed to build a lot of Soldiers recently.

"By the way, what is the probability of producing a super unit?"

"Tsk, your news is outdated. Let me tell you, even if Qi family could really take down this Military Base, do you think they would share it with other families? The main reason for this is that Qi family's Young Master went missing in that Military Base, along with an Elite Squad from Qi family. The Qi family head had no choice but to do this."

"No wonder. I knew Qi family wouldn't be so generous. But even if that Military Base is powerful, it can't withstand the combined strength of the ten major families, right?"

No one thought that the combined strength of the ten major families would be unable to conquer a small Military Base. They discussed that once they took over the Military Base, the prices of some firearms would likely decrease, which was their top priority.

After the price drop, they must stock up!

The ten major families temporarily united and prepared to concentrate their forces to attack the Military Base. Each family contributed 50 tanks and 10 helicopters, with joint air and land forces aiming for victory!

The people of Base City were excited. They hadn't seen the major families of Base City make such a big move in a long time.

This was an immediate deployment of 500 tanks and 100 helicopters, which looked like a vast expanse of land and sky. With this kind of power, attacking some of the more dangerous Mutant Beast Gathering Places was not a problem.

Unfortunately, Base City's current stance was defensive, and they rarely took the initiative to attack Mutant Beasts. Only when facing the Military Base would they be willing to spend money.

Leng Yuwei immediately told Su Chen about the situation in Base City. Su Chen's eyes lit up when he heard it. He had finally been waiting for the army of Base City.

"It's almost time for you to take the stage." Su Chen looked behind the base, where there was a large shadow!

Base City was very arrogant, with five hundred tanks and one hundred helicopters moving straight towards Su Chen's base location. Along the way, they encountered Mutant Beasts and blasted them with one shot, leaving nothing behind.

These were all main battle tanks from before the Apocalypse, called Black Lion Tanks, with huge gun barrels resembling a roaring lion, very fierce.

With the firepower of the Black Lion Tank, even a third-order Mutant Beast would be severely injured by one shot, and only a fourth-order Mutant Beast could withstand it. The power was very strong.

With so many Black Lion Tanks firing together, even the people of Base City had not seen such a scene many times.

A man in a green shirt stood on the front tank, his clothes rustling, and a large cigar in his mouth, full of style.

This person was the Commander of this operation, Wang Yi, a fifth-order peak Transcendent!

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