Published at 28th of June 2024 05:48:56 AM

Chapter 344: Commander's Trust!

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Chapter 344: Commander's Trust!

A hint of regret appeared on Ju Ling's face. The strike she had just delivered was her strongest, yet it hadn't managed to kill the Dream Shadow Clan member. Indeed, the Dream Shadow Clan was formidable.

If it had been an ordinary Ninth Order Late-Stage opponent, Ju Ling's Bullet would have pierced through their head. Unfortunately, this person was from the Dream Shadow Clan, and his abilities far surpassed those of an average Ninth Order Late-Stage individual.

At this moment, the live stream feed reappeared, causing concern among the viewers. Almost half of the people displayed injuries, with the most severe being Guangtou Qiang. His body had been impaled by a long spear, leaving a bloody hole.

Had Guangtou Qiang not been a super soldier with a robust physique, he might have already lost his combat capability.

Seeing this scene, the Human Emperor's heart was filled with shock. These individuals were no less powerful than the South Emperor. Yet, when confronting an enemy, it seemed they had been reduced to such a state. If they were to engage, wouldn't they be wiped out instantly?

"Emperor Su, is that person really a Mutant-Emperor? How could he be so strong?" Emperor Kong couldn't help but ask.

He believed he had some understanding of the Emperor Wu. If the Emperor Wu had possessed such immense strength all along, why had he waited until now to intervene? It didn't seem normal.

The other Kings nodded in agreement. A Mutant Emperor achieving such power within a few months was hard to believe.

Su Chen didn't hide anything from the Human Emperor. After all, this was something they needed to know for the future.

"This person isn't a Mutant-Emperor; he's from the Dream Shadow Clan, a unique race from the universe."

Su Chen briefly explained what the Dream Shadow Clan was. When they learned that the Dream Shadow Clan was revered as gods in some cosmic races, their expressions turned grim.

"We're actually opposing a deity?" They couldn't believe it.

Legends of deities existed on Earth too, but from their perspective, these supposed gods were merely powerful beings. Just like how they, in ancient times, would have been seen as gods by humans.

The situation with the Dream Shadow Clan was similar, but they were on a much higher level than the Human Emperor. Even cosmic races regarded them as gods. That was a terrifying notion.

"Doesn't he have any weaknesses?" Western Emperor inquired.

"He might, but we don't know," Su Chen straightforwardly shook his head.

"If we do manage to regain control of Earth someday, I'll retire too and enjoy my old age," Emperor Kong laughed.

Back on the battlefield, even though the Dream Shadow Clan member had lost the ability to enhance its spear, its combat power still exceeded that of individual super soldiers.

The Dream Shadow Clan understood that the greatest threat present was Ju Ling. Several times, it attempted to approach and eliminate her, but other super soldiers sacrificed themselves to stop it. Especially Boris, the Clone, who repelled several attacks at the cost of numerous injuries, causing his combat strength to plummet.

If Boris hadn't been a clone, he probably would have died long ago.

Suddenly, the expressions of all the super soldiers changed as they heard a voice, not in their heads, but from the sky.

"Dealing with a cosmic trash like this wasted too much time. I'm not pleased."

Su Chen jumped down from the Celestial Armor and landed on the ground. Instantly, all the super soldiers surrounded him, preventing the Dream Shadow Clan from ambushing Commander.

If anything happened to Commander here, they wouldn't be able to show their faces.

The Dream Shadow Clan member halted its attack. The fact that so many individuals were protecting Commander indicated that the person in the middle was crucial.

"Are these your subordinates? I'll give you a chance; lead your people to submit to me. I'll show you just how insignificant this planet's existence truly is!" The Dream Shadow Clan continued to attempt to recruit.

He thought Su Chen was unaware of what lay beyond Earth, not realizing that Su Chen knew things he didn't.

Su Chen ignored him and looked at the super soldiers. His tone was grave. "I'm standing right here. You go take his head off. I just need to see the outcome!"

The super soldiers trembled slightly. With Commander present on the battlefield, it was an unparalleled show of trust. Commander believed that with them here, no one could harm him.

If, even with them here, the enemy managed to hurt Commander, they weren't worthy of being super soldiers.

Suddenly, Su Chen heard a series of sounds from the System: "Congratulations, Master, for surpassing the loyalty limit of all your subordinates. You can now reward them with any ability of your choice. Please select an ability, Master." (To be continued)

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