Published at 28th of June 2024 05:48:53 AM

Chapter 345: I Will Return... Ah!

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Chapter 345: I Will Return... Ah!

At this critical moment, Su Chen naturally wouldn't waste the opportunity to enhance the combat power of his subordinates.

To be honest, he had many ideas long ago, but the timing wasn't right back then; now it was.

"Grant them all the ability of Superweapons!" Su Chen directly left the choice to the System. He believed that the System would undoubtedly equip them with the best abilities.

Currently, Su Chen possessed six Superweapons, each with astonishing effects.

The Weather Control Device had the power to manipulate weather, which could also be understood as the power to control lightning.

The nuclear bomb silo could launch nuclear bombs, signifying control over nuclear fission and radiation.

The Psychic Controller could generate a powerful Psychic shock wave, essentially an amplified version of Psychic power's ultimate move.

The gene mutant could control genetic mutations.

The Hyperspace Teleportation Device had the power of teleportation.

Finally, the Iron Curtain Device was an almost invincible defensive power.

Just thinking about these powers instilled terror. Now, all of them were bestowed upon the nine super soldier types. They immediately sensed their own transformations.

"What kind of power is this..." Ju Ling closed her eyes. She had already been bestowed with Psychic power once, and now she had gained another kind: nuclear fission!

Each bullet fired by Ju Ling's gun became even more powerful!

Tanya was a balanced super soldier type, lacking any clear weaknesses or strengths. Thus, she still needed equilibrium. The ability assigned to her by the System was teleportation.

Her figure suddenly appeared behind the Dream Shadow Clan, shooting him in the back. When the Dream Shadow Clan turned to retaliate, her figure appeared in another location, elusive.

Yuri and Libra both possessed Psychic power, and this power was their specialty. Naturally, they needed to utilize their strengths.

Empowering them with the ability to unleash Psychic shock waves made their Psychic power more potent, surpassing their previous levels of strength.

The two Borises possessed the power to control genetic mutations. Their position was somewhat awkward—neither excelling in ranged nor melee combat. However, with the power to control genetic mutations, they instantly transformed into super soldiers with the abilities of Beastmen, greatly enhancing their close combat capabilities.

As for Guangtou Qiang, he needed no introduction. He naturally wielded the invincible power of the Iron Curtain Device. As a pure melee powerhouse, this power was most essential to him.

Just as the super soldier types slightly relaxed, Su Chen's voice sounded, "He's not dead yet."

As for why Su Chen knew this, it was simple: the System hadn't given any completion alerts.

You see, if Dream Shadow Clan died, the mission would be completed, but this time there was no such prompt, indicating that the opponent hadn't died.

Sure enough, Dream Shadow Clan's figure reappeared before them. He looked worse for wear, but he wasn't dead.

His right arm had completely vanished, and a massive gash adorned his belly, blood and entrails spilling out, making for a gruesome sight.

"You've done well. This time hasn't disappointed me. Next time, I will personally annihilate the life on this planet and even the entire star system. I will return... Ah!"

Before Dream Shadow Clan could finish his pretentious words, he suddenly felt intense pain and collapsed to the ground.

Su Chen wouldn't give him the time for nonsense. He joined forces with Libra and Yuri, using Psychic power to eliminate this Dream Shadow Clan member.

This time, the System finally had a voice: "Congratulations, Master, on completing the mission. The rewards have been distributed, and I'll take care of the remaining wrap-up tasks."

Su Chen was taken aback. Wrap-up tasks?

He soon understood what the so-called wrap-up tasks were.

A black mist emerged from the body of the deceased Dream Shadow Clan and formed into a face. It was a grotesque countenance, staring at Su Chen. "Insignificant Humans, you've provoked an existence beyond your capacity. I will return. The life on this planet, even the entire star system, will perish!"

As the black mist prepared to leave Earth, a ray of light flashed, and the black mist vanished. Simultaneously, the System announced, "Wrap-up tasks complete. This Dream Shadow Clan member has completely disappeared."

"What? You mean I just killed someone other than Dream Shadow Clan?"

"Dream Shadow Clan is a unique race. They're purely a race that survives on Soulpower, lacking a physical form. The presence that appeared on the Emperor Wu earlier was just Soulpower. However, Dream Shadow Clan has a limitation; their Soulpower cannot be divided. It can only appear in one life, and after that life dies, there's a period of visibility. This is when they're most vulnerable to attack." The System explained.

Only then did Su Chen realize that Dream Shadow Clan was such a race.

"Wait a minute, does that mean Dream Shadow Clan member was your bounty, and you didn't offer any compensation?"

"???" (To be continued)

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