Published at 28th of June 2024 05:48:50 AM

Chapter 347: Sir, the Era Has Changed!

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Chapter 347: Sir, the Era Has Changed!

"For the specific improvement, please wait until you obtain the Commander permissions upgrade opportunity," the System didn't leak any information.

Su Chen smirked. The System's being so tight-lipped meant there must be something significant.

In reality, the various rewards before were decent, but what he valued the most was the last one: the opportunity to randomly draw from a civilian version.

It's worth noting that some of his super units were from civilian versions, and their strength wasn't inferior to official versions. Ju Ling with the Soul Slayer sniper rifle, for instance. With a single shot, there's no super unit that would dare stand in its way.

Guangtou Qiang, the supposedly indestructible cockroach, possessed formidable melee capabilities, bordering on terrifying.

Yun Ru, Su Chen's chief scientist, overcame many technical challenges, bringing some unique technologies to his faction and enhancing his strength.

Libra had two personalities and had a grasp of Psychic power comparable to her father, Yuri. In terms of sheer destructive power, it exceeded even him.

Li Shaolong, from the faction Su Chen was most familiar with, brought some of his familiar technologies here. Surprisingly, he was also a martial arts master, which caught Su Chen off guard.

These super units from civilian versions greatly aided Su Chen.

It could be said that they were responsible for half of his achievements!

If he could obtain a complete civilian version, his strength might experience a quantum leap. Who knows what kind of overpowered Weapons or unrealistic settings were present in those versions? One shot could potentially destroy the world.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

Community versions of this game often didn't bother with balance, focusing instead on maximizing enjoyment. Su Chen couldn't help but wonder when he could create something equally fun.

Unfortunately, Su Chen had to kill the second Dream Shadow Clan in a year to complete the task.

"The first Dream Shadow Clan reached the ninth tier. So, conservatively estimating, the next one is at least a strong being at the level of a small star system, or even a large star system. This means that I have to develop to a level capable of dealing with a strong being of that magnitude within a year," Su Chen was somewhat distressed. The challenge was quite daunting.

Even if he acquired many ninth-tier planets, they wouldn't be a match for a ninth-tier being from a small star system. To reach that level within a year, he needed vast resources!

The price of becoming a Zerg was that its body remained in a state of partial decay, and the pungent smell almost suffocated its confidant.

"Enough with the pleasantries. Tell me about the situation outside."

Even though it wasn't the first time the confidant saw Sir's appearance, it still felt a strange sensation.

"Yes, Sir." The confidant suppressed the urge to vomit and quickly said, "Just three days ago, Emperor Wu attacked Humans alone. As a result, the nine Human Kings at the eighth-tier peak who had been hidden all this time appeared. They..."

"Wait, what did you say?" Wind Tide's voice suddenly rose. It had trouble believing what it just heard.

"I said the nine Human Kings at the eighth-tier peak..."

"That's impossible! How could Humans have so many eighth-tier peak Kings? Didn't they only have one, who died?" Wind Tide refused to believe. After enduring so much pain to become an eighth-tier peak, only to find out that Humans had nine of them? Are you f**king kidding me?

"Sir, we all believed Humans only had one eighth-tier peak before. If it weren't for Emperor Wu reaching the ninth tier and attacking Humans, we might have been kept in the dark. Sir, the era has changed!" The confidant said with difficulty.

Wind Tide looked dazed. Emperor Wu had actually reached the ninth tier?

How did the strength of Emperor Wu, who was at a similar level as itself, advance faster than its own?

More importantly, Humans had actually killed the ninth-tier Emperor Wu. Its eighth-tier peak strength was nothing compared to that!

Not just Wind Tide, Scorpion was also in shock.

They had only been in seclusion for a short period, yet the outside world felt like it had undergone decades of change. Had Humans truly become this strong?

After a while, Scorpion said, "It seems we need to adopt a different approach to deal with Humans."

"What approach?" A glint of determination flashed in Wind Tide's eyes. To eliminate Humans, it was willing to pay any price! (To be continued...)

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